Many people ask, and often ask themselves, they have looked for it, and they have practiced it. What is love? Look at Shakespeare’s play, look at Liang Zhu, the master has already told us, let’s confirm what Chi Li said: There is a way to keep men and women happy forever, that is, the two will never be satisfied and never get together. Never hold each other's hands. Even if people face each other, let the heart be in the end of the world, calling and thinking in pain forever in the end of the world. The only kind of feeling is suitable to be called love.
Please note: "The only kind of feeling" only this kind of situation is the right answer to love! Otherwise, it will either become the tomb of the living dead or a smear of mosquito blood on the wall.
All so-called people who are looking for love, be cautious! Don't equate love with marriage, don't equate love with a kind of economic relationship.
Only those who can endure great pain can taste the taste of love. Moreover, love cannot be found, love can be met and cannot be sought!
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