There is always a war without gunsmoke in politics

Deonte 2022-01-25 08:08:39

The black-scented political works, about the cruel growth of a politician and staff, show in a humble attitude the game of interests that wanders between the stalwart and the despicable.

Even though the system is democratic, there are still intrigues. In addition to dreams and desires, power breeds conspiracies and scandals. A grand-sounding strategy to save the country is nothing but a personal weight. The innocent implicated people and the blackened people are the victims behind the struggle, and no one can get out of this war without gunpowder. Politics has its own way. If you want to be a good person, stay away from politics and stay away from female interns.

What the film wants to present to the audience is only a political game, not other, and the film also achieves this goal perfectly. The first half of the film is a bit dull, but the more you look back, the more you will find its subtleties. The soundtrack, video, and rhythm are very good. It was born for political themed films, quietly and solemnly telling the ruthlessness of politics and the darkness of human nature.

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Extended Reading

The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!