
Austin 2022-01-27 08:04:34

The combination of comedy and suspense is full of laughter and much more natural. The plot reversal is designed to be both hierarchical and exquisite.

The Brooks outside the game is the kind of pretending to be so compelling. In fact, only you know the suffering. The Brooks in the game is not perfect but it has gained friendship and family affection. All in all, it is fun to do everything with good friends!

The male and female lead sequel must practice Chinese before shooting!

Conscience special effects for ending subtitles.

There are several reversals in the play that scared me.

The soundtrack is great.

There is a conversation in the very end of the film like, "I'm gonna let our kids learn Mandarin." "Cuz, China is the future." Laugh my ass off, Hollywood really kissed a good ass for getting Chinese people's money ha? I love this movie!

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Game Night quotes

  • Max: I think we're gonna be okay though. I got a feeling.

    Val: [receiving orders] You want us to kill them all?

  • Val: Don't even think about it, pig!

    Gary: Can't say I care for that nomenclature.