There is still a piece of local tyrant gold

Zack 2022-01-27 08:01:17

Hearsay spoiler: This film mainly tells a police officer who is committed to combating evil forces who was retaliated by criminals, but was blown to pieces and couldn't even find his kidney... I woke up and saw the fairy in the lake. , Oh no, it was Earl Dracula, and asked him whether he lost the golden or silver body. The honest protagonist said that he only wanted to get his body back, so the earl (actually a doctor) decided to reward him for his honesty. Give him a black mechanical body. The protagonist cursed silently in his heart. Whoever told me the mother would give me both gold and silver as long as he told the truth.

Hollywood movies have always had a high enthusiasm for "planting Chinese elements in order to cheat more of the box office from China". It's just that the Chinese elements that Yankees understand are always different from what we think. So apart from a few cartoons, most of them tasted wrong. Last year's Iron Man 3 was almost disgusting. After the same iron-skinned Robocop was unwilling to be a man, he also showed great sincerity in order to please the Chinese audience. The characters in the film repeatedly emphasized that the Robocop was assembled in China, as if it were such an important thing. In fact, if you change the "China" in the film to South Korea, Vietnam, or Malaysia, it has no effect on the plot. I don't know which genius came up with this "Chinese element", I guess he must believe that so many people in China buy cashew mobile phones to support the national enterprise Fu [Beep] Kang.

Running under the sunset that day, following the footsteps of the protagonist, the camera showed the working environment of the Chinese foundry. The vast majority of viewers will certainly unconsciously think of the iPhone assembly. Similar to mobile phones, Robocops also bid farewell to the era of single color. They have two shapes, "Northeast Silver" and "Advanced Black". Unfortunately, the "local tyrant gold" that Chinese people love most is missing. If Lao Mei really wants to implant Chinese elements, it might as well start here. By the way, I think RoboCop can cooperate with the Dinosaurs in the future, and stand together with 5S and 5C.

Before the film was released, the new version of this "advanced black" caused a lot of controversy, and many fans felt that they were copying Batman. I think this is a bit overreacted. The colors are normal. The MK1 and Gears of War in Iron Man are the same "Northeast Silver" as the old Robocop. Actually, it's not a big deal. Of course, the film has a lot to do with Batman in other aspects. The actor of the old version of Batman and the Sheriff Gordon in the Nolan version have joined the film, and in the film, Detroit’s "Crime City" The image is also a bit like Gotham City.

Compared with the last Hollywood movie "Impact", which was introduced simultaneously (in fact, this film can only be regarded as quasi-synchronous, it is still half a month later than in North America), this film has a much stronger sense of existence. Although both are remakes or restarts of classic movie series, the Robocop, who was adapted into a hit animation, obviously has a better mass base. More importantly, this film has the most popular popcorn commercial film among the kind-hearted audiences of the celestial dynasty. Standard appearances: sci-fi settings, cool robots, hot fighting scenes (actually good)-such a pleased theme can still make a difference by catching the remaining temperature of the Spring Festival stalls, at least not like "On the fly" , In a time when such gods as "Private Customization" got together, but still failed to make people's eyes shine.

Unfortunately, as mentioned above, the action scenes in this film are actually just okay. There are mainly three games, one is a competition with pure robots, and the other is to avenge the criminal gang who lost their kidneys at the time, and finally a decisive battle. The pace of the three games is relatively fast, which makes people feel unfinished. But the most fatal problem is that the scenes are not big enough. The protagonist wears such a cool look, and the audience is expecting that his duel with the villain will destroy half of Detroit. In the current Hollywood popcorn blockbusters, if you don't open the London Eye or anything, you are embarrassed to greet people. As a result, the action style of this film is just an enhanced version of the police and criminal shootout. Although it is not unsightly, it will obviously make viewers like me who have a more vulgar taste feel that it is not enjoyable enough.

The plot of the film is basically similar to the old version, and the audience did not expect to see any new tricks, so the director naturally did not spend much effort to make it more turbulent. The more fascinating aspect of the film and drama is actually how the director and screenwriter make the setting of Robocop more detailed and rational under the new technical level. The unique feature of Robocop is that he is between humans and robots. The old version was modified after the protagonist had already died, so it was more robot-oriented at the beginning. The protagonist of this film is actually in the same way of thinking as normal people in most of the film, but he will be affected by the computer system in the body. The protagonist showed a completely robotic behavior because the doctor controlled the secretion of dopamine in his brain.

The main point of this movie is to express the awakening of human nature over the control of the machine, but I saw the robocop appearing in the public for the first time, but it had the opposite feeling. Using such technical means to control any ordinary human being can actually produce the same result. Therefore, the boundaries between humans and machines that are often predicted in science fiction movies in the future are getting blurred. If this day does come, it may not be because the intelligence of machines has taken a big step against the sky, but because humans have taken a step back.

The other is the game between the protagonist and a pure robot and the mercenary with a mechanical exoskeleton. I like the explanation by the doctor about the protagonist's superiority: the protagonist first uses his brain to judge the battle situation, and then loads the system's built-in attack program after formulating the tactics, so there is no disadvantage. In fact, our human body also works in a similar way. The so-called "Which makes perfect", through repeated training, we let our body record some specific movements, so these movements become "skills" stored in the subconscious. When our brain makes certain judgments about the current environment, the next step is not to think about how to respond one action by one action, but to directly load the acquired "skills" to solve the immediate problems.

One commendable aspect of the new version is that it re-presents some small details of the old version. In the old version, I was deeply impressed by the TV news about regional turmoil and the swaggering toy and car advertisements in the middle. Well, it seems rough and a bit funny today). The regional turmoil that year was due to the Cold War, and after forty years have passed, we regret to find that the situation has not improved at all. Dameili has made a solid contribution. It is also due to this that the old stalks of the year can continue to be used. The news program of Samuel Jackson is definitely the highlight of the whole film. The most commendable point of the director of this film is that he grasped this little detail of the original version and polished it, removing the original rigidity, making the new version of the news program part The combination with the main storyline is smoother. Although Samuel Jackson has no rivals with most of the protagonists, no matter how you look at it, I feel that the movie would be incomplete without this part. At the end, I even had the illusion that what I was watching was actually a news program, and the previous story about Robocop was just a documentary video that was inserted in the news.

As soon as I saw Samuel Jackson, I couldn’t help but want to quote Ji Shen’s famous saying, yelling "say my name" at him on the screen. The director really did not disappoint me. The effect of the last "beep" was too great. That's great.

I think there may be many people who are like me. Their understanding of Robocop started from cartoons, and then they learned that they were the first movies (for me, there are similar situations like "Ghosts in Disguise" and " Man in black"). When I was young, watching RoboCop’s live-action movies didn't feel much, but it seemed that there was something wrong. Later, when I grew up, I saw it again. How could such a violent movie be shown to children? I couldn't hold it at all. In contrast, the new version's blood level has been reduced, and the place with a heavier taste is the exposed brain and internal organs of the protagonist. For the convenience of grading, scenes of physical damage to real people in Hollywood movies will be avoided as much as possible, but it does not matter if the machine does not bleed. So the protagonist of the film inherited the teachings of T800, Optimus Prime and other predecessors, and broke his arm without disgrace. Again, we should love the arms of the robot as we love the eyes of a purple dragon.

Finally, the above-mentioned turning the Robocop into a "local tyrant" is not just nonsense. When I was young, there was a grocery store near my home. At that time, the grocery store sold toys, and many of them mainly sold toys. A golden robo-cop toy about thirty or forty centimeters high was placed in the most conspicuous part of the store. I have to look there every time I walk from there, just to look at the toy. I can't afford it. I guess such a big thing was too extravagant for most children at the time, so no one bought it, and I was able to feast my eyes on it for a long time. I think maybe those young people who are reluctant to bear with their own kidneys will think back to their current mobile phones in a few years' time like the toy I thought.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.