"Robocop": You are neither a human being nor a machine

River 2022-01-27 08:01:17

José Padilla took over the latest "Robocop" project obviously based on his achievements in shootouts and action films. The success of the two "Elite Troops" has made Hollywood look forward to the Brazilian director. add. Therefore, in this latest version of "Robocop", we can also easily see the shadow of "Elite Force". The camera position, composition and even editing rhythm all give people the illusion of "Elite Force 3"—— This also makes this film not a sci-fi "blockbuster" in the popular sense, except for the feeling of action shooting video games, the sense of the future is not particularly strong.
"Robocop" was created by Paul Van Hoven. In 1987, the Dutch director created this half-human and half-machine "monster police" in Detroit. The cult in it became a film that was completely different from the film. Logo for other works. Fan Howen is the director who filmed "Total Reminiscence" and "Instinct". The kind of imagination of human desire and weird technology is often entangled with the distortion of the body.
Padilla and Van Hoven are totally interesting directors. There is no reason and no reason to ask the latest "Robocop" to follow the style of the old one. Besides, there are several "Robocop" released one after another, each The director style of the department is also different. For the audience in 2014, it was reasonable for Padilla to fight all the way and fight a half-man, half-machine People's War—well, Murphy didn't mobilize many companions, mainly personal heroism.
Speaking of the combination of man and machine, this is a very big and interesting topic. Shooting in the evil is the feeling of "Tie Man". People who are not human and machine are not machine, and become a monster. Deeply speaking, this is a story that questioned the noumenon of life and soul. With the development of modern technology, many mechanical products have entered the human body. Broadly speaking, you put on a denture or a prosthesis or something. , Have taken a step towards the road of "Robocop", you see, under Padilla's guide tube, Mr. Murphy has only his head and heart left, and the flickering flicker is also scary. And if you think about it again, this is also related to artificial intelligence technology. For example, "Terminator" is a humanoid robot. The robot is too similar to humans. It is inevitable to confuse the boundary between human and machine. This is a combination of half human and half machine. Things probably convey the same kind of anxiety—in fact, "District Nine" can also be interpreted from this perspective, and it is also a kind of alienation and fear of the body.
Without the entanglement of love, the new version of "Robocop" highlights the tearing of family, the complex and ambiguous emotions between Murphy and his wife and children, especially in front of children, how to make children accept this inhuman, inoperable monster , It is too difficult.
For Murphy, he is not a human, nor a machine, but a half-man and a half-machine. Of course, Murphy's situation is special, but for us, it's almost the same-you don't have any mechanical parts in your body, but can modern people live without external mechanical assistance? Without a machine, it's hard to move an inch.
In this sense, each of us is Murphy-you are not a person, nor a machine.

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RoboCop quotes

  • John Lake: You got something on us? Or is this personal?

    Alex Murphy: No, it's nothing personal. Although, I don't like you as a person.

  • David Murphy: I saved all the Red Wings games on my computer.

    Alex Murphy: You did? How'd they do?

    David Murphy: I don't know. I've been waiting to watch them with you.