Analysis of the past part of the West (multiple pictures)

Cara 2022-03-24 09:01:16

Jill first returned to Tianshui Town to see things (bed) thoughts

The first interesting scene found in the movie is the first one. As above, this scene is exactly the same as the scene of noodles lying in the smoking hall in the last classic scene of "Once Upon a Time in America"

"The Past Trilogy" The Last Act of "The Past in America"

The bed-top angle of view is full of immersive lens meaning, Leone seems to have a certain obsession with this action or picture (of course, it is not guaranteed that Leone was not looking back at his past works when he was filming the American past. I think this place is very good. So adopt)

Closer to home, "Reminiscences in the West", as the first work of Leonie's "Trilogy of Past Events", also holds an extraordinary position in film history. When watching this movie, many people are easily influenced by the idea of ​​"The Red Dead Trilogy" so that they don't have a good understanding of this work. One of the most obvious misunderstandings is that the film is only viewed from the perspective of an ordinary western drama, while ignoring the heavy historical description of this work.

In this film review, I will not focus too much on the basic plot, only the clips that touch me.

Use of sound

When it comes to sound, many people will first think of Monique’s soundtrack for this film "Once upon a time in the west" and so on... However, the sound outside of these soundtracks is also important for creating the atmosphere of this movie. composition. For example, the harmonica sound of the harmonica (although it can actually be counted as a soundtrack). In addition, the sound is used as a transition in many places throughout the film. For the first 30 minutes of the film: in the opening, the sound of the train is used as a way to break the boring three people doing nothing. Factor, and then the harmonica player appeared. After the death of the farmer, Frank (Henry Fonda) completed the switch to the next scene with a shot of the farmer's son. He then got off the train and entered the station. The hostess appeared. This switch was quite natural.

Leone’s movies like flashback very much. However, I don’t think he used such a method because he likes flashback, but because of memories, rather than fetters. Words to describe) is an important motif implied in his works? Back to the sound handling of switching: melodious harmonica, roaring train, gunshots! These things can either bring people into time (memories) or bring out time. Extending the timeliness of this movie is adding thickness to it. They are travelers of time in this movie. In my opinion, their mission is completed. 'S can also be called a success. In the solitary and lonely situation of this movie, Leoni's handling of time is very appropriate.

The end and beginning of the era

This is also what makes this movie different from ordinary Western movies. It implies the changes of the times, that is, the changes in the lifestyles of the American people after the Western Development. In fact, the director has clearly given this clue and contrast with images.

I would like to add a paragraph. The most favorite scene in the whole movie is the scene where Jill just got off the train station. The tragedy of the bereaved husband has been known to us since this scene, but the ignorance of her newcomer is the most heartbreaking. This part of the journey, As if let us see the beginning of a legend.

End of video

You can clearly see the director’s arrangement, the perspective of the carriage head and the locomotive (a metaphor that the United States has gradually entered the era of capital speaking, and has become the main body of society), the change of roads, the crowd, and all heralds the change of the times, and the cowboys have already Pass away.

If the female protagonist embodies the embryonic form of the American dream (a farmer is more appropriate), then Frank's struggle with Morton (the railroad tycoon) marks the end of the chaos before the United States, and Frank represents the era of cowboy power. Morton represents the rise of the power of money. It seems inappropriate to measure this change by money alone, but it’s actually the same thing when you think about it objectively. The little bit we can feel in Frank. Unfortunately, it is only the result of Leon's romantic feelings (the actor Henry Fonda was chosen with ulterior motives and one or two can be seen)

The metaphor of the heroine

An important female image like Jill is rare in Leon’s works

If we look at "The Red Dead Trilogy" first, we will feel that there is no such thing as a woman in Leoné’s work, and there are also insignificant characters (Eastwood in Red Dead Redemption is more like a lone ranger who wanders around the world), But the importance of the role of Jill in "Once Upon a Time in the West" is unprecedented. It can be said that Jill in this film implies the gradual emergence of the concept of family in this country, or a kind of centripetal force, the emergence of a kind of order. That is the country itself.

Among the "The Past Trilogy", or all of Leon's works, except for the famous "Once Upon a Time in America", this one is my favorite. If the past in the United States reflects the vicissitudes of life in addition to a certain time level, Then "Western" also has a certain degree of majestic grandeur on the spatial level, which is not too much. In the film, the lonely smoke in the desert, the sunset over the long river, the spring town where the deserted birds never fly, the sweetwater, the cute and full of dreamy names, are all fascinating.

Finally attach

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Once Upon a Time in the West quotes

  • Cheyenne: You know, Jill, you remind me of my mother. She was the biggest whore in Alameda and the finest woman that ever lived. Whoever my father was - for an hour or for a month - he must have been a happy man.

  • Frank: Keep your lovin' brother happy.