Dashiel Hammett and his "Skinny" series

Roxane 2022-10-10 23:29:06

Dashiel Hammett's novel was reprinted last year, and I bought a Kindle collection, including The Maltese Falcon, The Glass Key, The Thin Man, The Continental Detective Agency, The Bloody Harvest, The Curse of the Danes, and The Lady of the Night" and "The Screwdriver" are eight, among which "The Lady of the Night" also includes three short stories from the Sam Spade series.

How famous is Hammett in the world of detective fiction? He is the founder of American hard-guy novels and the main founder of Hollywood noir films. He worked as a detective in his early years and gave him a lot of material for his future creation. In the 1930s, he entered the Hollywood screenwriter circle. "Skinny Man" was adapted into a film and was a great success. Later, he began to write scripts and was nominated for an Oscar.

Hammett was born in 1894. He participated in World War I and World War II. Before and after World War II, he was a famous leftist writer and anti-fascist in the United States, which made him persecuted by McCarthyism in the 1950s. He was forced to leave Hollywood, ended his creative career.

Thin Man was his 1934 novel, almost his last novel, after which he began his screenwriting career. Shortly after the novel was published, he sold it to MGM, and it was turned into a screenplay by two brilliant screenwriters, with William Powell and Mauna Lo playing the role of the MGM boss. Another smart detective couple Nick and Nora, the film is fast-paced and a huge success in both comedy and suspense.

After that, Hammett wrote five sequel films for the detective couple, "After the Thin Man" in 1936 (The Misty), "The Other Thin Man" in 1939, "The Shadow of the Thin Man" in 1941, and "The Thin Man" in 1945. Go Home" (Suspicious Clouds) 1947 "Song of the Thin Man". After 12 years of filming six films, of course, like many sequel films, one is not as good as one, but it has finally ended. At this time, the glory of Hollywood noir films has passed, and Hammett's creation has also begun to slowly enter. downhill.

Hammett met his future wife during World War I, and they had two children, but the marriage ended in name only when Hammett came to Hollywood, and in 1937, they officially went through divorce procedures. In Hollywood, Hammett fell in love with two female screenwriters, Neil Martin and Lily Herman, who was his last partner in life, and they lived together for 30 years. Hammett was infected with the Spanish flu during World War I. Although he was cured, he suffered from tuberculosis. , only 66 years old.

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The Thin Man quotes

  • Nick Charles: The important thing is the rhythm. Always have rhythm in your shaking. Now a Manhattan you shake to fox-trot time, a Bronx to two-step time, a dry martini you always shake to waltz time.

  • Nick Charles: How'd you like Grant's tomb?

    Nora Charles: It's lovely. I'm having a copy made for you.