The birth of a new beauty judge.

Lavonne 2022-03-19 09:01:04

2012, sci-fi crime thriller action movie " SWAT Judge | Dredd "

Although it is a remake version, not Stallone, but I still like these two people. The reason why the heroine does not wear a helmet is purely for the sake of smugness-- because the hero wears a helmet, I can't see who played it at all. . . Really very dedicated.

The poster is very similar to Batman or Daredevil, a feeling that people really want to watch. . Not bad. .

The background of the apocalypse, although the layout is in the same building, I still like this punk style very much, it is indeed enough R, although it seems that the gunfight is not exciting enough, but it is not bad~ The effect is outstanding, and there is a strong sense The feeling of a strong Robocop, but without the sense of restraint of a Robocop, here is the job. .

The plot is still up to standard, only the bad guys are bad enough to feel it when they fight, although there are some minor bugs that are harmless. acceptable.

The feeling in slow motion is still pretty cool. . Uh-huh. . Very good.

--------I am the dividing line of the judge --------------

Recommendation index: ★★★☆ (7/10 points), the birth of a new beauty judge.

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Dredd quotes

  • Judge Dredd: What's the price of a Judge these days?

    Judge Lex: Million. Split four ways.

    Judge Dredd: Three ways now.

    Judge Lex: Suits me.

    Judge Dredd: Doesn't sound like much. To betray the law. Betray the city.

    Judge Lex: Save that shit for the rookies. 20 years I've been on the streets. You know what Mega City One is, Dredd? It's a fucking meat grinder. People go in one end, and meat comes out the other. All we do is turn the handle.

  • Judge Dredd: Wait.

    Judge Lex: "Wait?" Are you kidding me? Did you just say, "Wait"? Judge Dredd - *the* Judge Dredd - finally gets on the wrong end of a gun and all he says is, "Wait." You know what? I expected more from you. I mean, wait for what? Wait for me to change my mind? Wait for another two or three seconds of life because you are so fucking weak you can't stand to see it end?

    Judge Dredd: No.

    [Anderson shoots Lex from behind]

    Judge Dredd: Wait for her to shoot you.