What is correct? What is justice?

Jettie 2022-03-23 09:01:20

This is a fast-paced, ups and downs suspense film. It is closely linked to each other, and sometimes it can turn around and approach the truth from a new angle. In the end, it tortures everyone's heart: what is justice? What is the right choice? ...During the viewing process, I was dragged away by the plot for a long time. The plot evolves far faster than the feedback of my brain circuit. There are also many lines. The character's lines, in and out of the screen... The first time I stopped to think was when the protagonist Detective Patrick got a headshot of the pedophile freak, and Remy, a seasoned police officer, said to him: "People should act like As smart as a wolf, and as innocent as a sheep." Wolves and sheep are originally completely different species in nature, with diametrically opposite habits, how can a person be a wolf and a sheep at the same time. Should Patrick follow the law and principles and resolutely send Amanda back to her biological mother, Helene, or should he follow Helene's character and behavior and keep her in the incarnation industry that has always been justice for Amanda's better future What about the role model retired police officer Jack Doyle? How to have both? What is the right and just choice?

In the film, Amanda's uncle Lionel, police officer Remy and police officer Jack Doyle jointly planned such a bureau, in order to give Amanda a good growth environment, and also to make up for the regret of police officer Jack Doyle for losing his daughter. Are they crazy? Why make such a choice for Amanda? Including Patrick's girlfriend, when she saw Jack Doyle swaying gently on the rocking chair holding Amanda, he did not hesitate to break up, but Patrick and she finally made the opposite choice. Girlfriend is more emotional than reason, and Patrick is more rational than emotional.

Just ask yourself, in such a situation, what choice would you make? As a young woman, I will believe in human nature, I will believe that the country is susceptible to change, and I do not think that my mother will change. At the same time, I will also be moved by the quiet and beautiful scene on the rocking chair, and I will decisively make the same choice as most of the people in the film. But as a mother, I feel that being with my own mother is the best choice. ...Oh no, being with her biological mother who loves her is the best choice. Maternal love is not all selfless. According to a certain saying, women are divided into two types, the more maternal, like most mothers, including myself, and the other is the wife who is more famous, such as Zhang Ailing. Their mothers, who are obscure like their own mothers, are all the time the world revolves around them, and even their own daughters can be regarded as competitors or enemies. Amanda is too young to be a competitor to her mother, but at least her mother loves herself more than her.

At the end, Patrick, who has been struggling with moral dilemmas, promises to take care of Amanda before he goes to meet her boyfriend and babysitter for Helene. He points to the Mirabelle in the mouth of Helene, who is Amanda's favorite, and asks:

Patrick: Is that Mirabelle?

Amanda: Annabelle.

This is the director's answer. Procedurally correct may not necessarily result in correctness.

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Gone Baby Gone quotes

  • Patrick Kenzie: Go on. Move your bike!

    Kid on Bike: Go fuck your mother!

    Patrick Kenzie: What the...

    Kid on Bike: Beat it, sucker!

  • Helene McCready: [crying] I know I fucked up. I just want my daughter back. I swear to God, I won't use no drugs no more. I won't even go out; I'll be fucking straight. Cross my heart.

    Patrick Kenzie: [comforting her] It's all right. We're gonna find her, Helene.

    Helene McCready: You have to. You promise?

    Patrick Kenzie: Yeah. I'm gonna try. I will.

    Helene McCready: Promise. You have to promise me.

    Patrick Kenzie: I promise.