Voyeur Tom and his camera

Bradford 2022-09-08 21:54:07

Evolving voyeurism into a performance art, was Michael Powell's biggest mistake or his wit? However, the role of voyeur wants to cover too much, so that there are at most contradictions in this role, but this is also the difference from Hitchcock, literary suspense and commercial suspense. Focus first on people, then on objects - the camera; the camera seems to cross the screen and probe the lens into reality, I can't find an entry point (or intersection) right now, people and objects are not enough, their Connectivity? If the camera is likened to a desire machine (genitals, killing machines), it can be understood. Sexuality and fear, two eternal themes, coupled with Freud's psychoanalysis (childhood shadow), explain the origin and formation of voyeurism; suspense skills are not as good as Hitchcock, such a stupid police detective, The scene of the crime that does not pay attention to details shows that the two are comparable and only similar in the subject of voyeurism, and exploring the origin of voyeurism is the answer to the mystery of "Voyeur". Abnormal lip woman-blind mother, different objects, completely different subject responses. Michael Powell has made great efforts to the psychological research of voyeurism, from the object (person-sexuality) that the subject (eye-camera) is watching, and pushes back the voyeuristic desire perspective, showing it on the screen, while the voyeuristic little girlfriend is the first. The unease expressed in one viewing, but speaks to the moral confusion of us (the audience), we do not feel uneasy when we bring the protagonist - the voyeur, we enter the behavior and role of the voyeur, the voyeur is watching The vision represented by the desire of the victim's fear, we are also watching the vision of voyeurism (a complex combination of sexual desire and fear), and the satisfaction of the two (audience and voyeurism) at the level of desire has reached unity; until the little girlfriend The confusion and questioning (from the bystander-moral level) only awakens himself; next, the appearance and help of the little girlfriend is to correct the "voyeurism", but before the correction, he has fallen into a pursuit of artistic creation ( Documentary art) and the degree of confusion between desire and gratification, that is, the struggle between the "libido of the self" (where narcissism and the constitution of the self developed) and the "sexual instinct", simply explained, one is the manipulative pursuit of self-realization The desire that can be satisfied is a kind of morbid narcissism, and the other is that the desire can be stimulated by natural viewing; is the voyeur going the wrong way and thinking that self-realization is the cure for "voyeurism"? The film ends with a performance art documenting the march towards death, but also gives answers to voyeurs struggling with moral dilemmas seeking redemption.

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Peeping Tom quotes

  • Mark Lewis: Whatever I photograph I always lose.

  • Mrs. Stephens: I visit this room every night.

    Mark Lewis: Visit?

    Mrs. Stephens: The blind always live in the rooms they live under.