Air Prison

Barton 2022-03-22 09:01:23

The plot is exciting and exciting.

Although it seems that the protagonist's halo is too powerful, the movie does not just express "evil will eventually be defeated", there are also satires on the society, such as the fat officer, who only knows how to get angry and yell, has no brains, and is self-righteous. Obviously the system said that guns are not allowed on the plane, but he secretly hid a gun for his subordinates. In the end, it was useless, and the gun was taken away by the criminals, and his subordinates died. I really don't like it. this role.

That little detective is not bad, he is more resolute and calm in case of trouble, but unfortunately he has such a mindless boss. The detective said that the social system caused those people to commit crimes, perhaps saying what the director wanted to express.

The pale national treasure butcher Jalan Green, he also has a lot of lines to express irony, and his whole person is pale and sick, the little girl asked him if he was sick? Said he looked sick. Is he sick, or is society sick? I'm glad he didn't kill the little girl again. He probably just needs someone to comfort him. Someone should care. In the end, the plane landed in the casino. Except for the male protagonist and the black man, the rest of the criminals either died or were caught. He was the only one in the casino, happy Those who are willing to redeem themselves will probably be favored by fate.

Those criminals are witty, good at all kinds of things, well-planned, know how to seize the moment, have a variety of skills, and reflect the carelessness of the police from the side.

When the male protagonist and his wife and daughter meet, they are quite touching. The wife and daughter are so beautiful, the male protagonist is also handsome, and the family looks amazing.

A story is a story after all, it cannot be imitated, it should be calm when things go wrong, obey the law, and never go astray.

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Con Air quotes

  • Francisco Cindino: [in the cockpit of the plane] Don't they have a way of tracking these planes?

    Swamp Thing: Oh, yeah. It's called a transponder. Every plane's got one, Cindino.

    Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones: [sarcastic] Swamp, where is the transponder?

    Cyrus Grissom: [looks at the empty bay] Ah! Where, indeed?

  • Cyrus Grissom: [to Agent Sims] You know, the next time you choose a human shield, you're better off not picking a two-bit negro crackhead.