The Transformation and Romance of Men

Jaiden 2022-03-22 09:01:33

The Rocky generation has been out of the audience's sight for too long, fists, madness, tenacity, the passion of boxing burns the passion of men, those boxers, it's time for them to come back, but no matter how hard they used to be in the ring, the traces of the years are becoming more and more clear , Rocky is confined to Philadelphia alone, confiding to his wife's tombstone to remind the audience of the incomparable loneliness.

The theme of "Creedy" is inheritance, the true spiritual sequel to "Rocky". The second generation of Creedy abandoned the former pampering and sought his own space, but his pursuit was marked with a deep Rocky brand. The body can be critically hit, but the spirit is immortal. While Creed left his mark, Rocky's soul inadvertently reached the most gorgeous inheritance. The realization of the self-worth of "Creed" seems to be a vain attempt to leave "Rocky", but the combination of Stallone's appearance and Creed makes the existence of the film not only about a boxer's obsession with dreams, but also "Rocky" on the text trajectory The impact must also be direct. If "Creed" is about the discovery of self-worth and striving to inherit the spiritual tradition of the older generation, then "Creed: The Return of the Hero" is about recognizing self-worth and embedding self-worth in life, at the same time , "Rocky"'s grievances are also like ghosts, always testing the choice of self-worth just made.

The first battle of the film to win back the wild horses is like an unfinished chapter of "Creedy". It is the re-fight of the father's fall, and it is also a declaration of loyalty to himself, continuing the spirit of the father's generation, and winning the dream gold belt seems to be the pinnacle of his boxing career. , but in competitive sports and even in society, it has always been easy to fight the country and difficult to defend the country. The former has always been the majority.

"Quiddy: Fallen Heroes" presented, which appear in the throes of post-peak, reached its peak requires passion, selfless, and must hold power peak times in its infancy, so relying on passion will fall often unable to supply a steady stream of forward momentum. The stage of life cannot always be based on the life situation. This situation may come back to you, and the source of refining forward motivation will eventually come from every life situation, from life and society, responsibility and belief.

The most exposed backlash situation in "Rise of the Heroes" is the challenge from Drago's son. Drago's beliefs behind him made him confront Rocky in the restaurant. These scenes about the grievances and grievances of the elders blended together to make this confrontation more like a conspiracy Long-standing revenge, the grievances between the parents are placed on the next generation, and the next generation is also willing to be enveloped by such revenge. They can't wait to use this to prove themselves. This is the contradiction between Rocky and Creed , and it is also the result of youthful impulse and experience thinking. Contradictions , these make "Credi: Heroes Again" more like a sequel to "Rocky" than "Creed". Compared with spiritual inheritance, fist staggering is undoubtedly more intuitive.

On the stage of professional boxing, the son of Drago, who looks stronger, is fighting against Creed. This kind of cross-weight look and feel is like an intentional increase in difficulty, but it is against common sense, and the punch after the whistle stops is against the rules. It's the carelessness of the play. But the boxing ring will be the backbone of the film no matter what, and "Creed" has done a good demonstration of breaking the rules. The long shots that follow the protagonist in the middle and the sharp editing in the back show the beauty and bravery of the boxing ring. Creed's two appearances in "Creed: The Rise of the Hero" are also gorgeous enough. If the first time was an official ceremony at the gold belt level, then the second time that Creed's silhouette appeared in his girlfriend's singing has a special meaning. This The meaning is another backlash situation, whether it can take responsibility for the family.

After winning the gold belt, from the moment of the marriage proposal, the family began to occupy Creed's life, from the proposal to the birth of the child, from the boy to the man. At every stage, the girlfriend will have questions. Do you know what you are talking about? Are we ready? About life we ​​are never ready, growth always comes from exploration in the unknown, and such exploration is Creed's and it seems to be everyone's. Personally, I liked the part of the marriage proposal. When the original vow was not heard as planned, the hasty confession again showed love and firmness.

Since then, facing the unknown and making decisions, it is no longer a young boy who needs to consider and undertake more than before. Creed loses the motivation to move forward, returns to his family, and accompanies his girlfriend and newly born daughter. Maybe he should be thankful that when he was lost, he still had a family and a harbor. Therefore, the misfortune accompanying the birth of his daughter was the fuse for him to regain his confidence. His frustration and resentment poured out with the most primitive force of men in the process of hammering the sandbags frequently, and the cries of the daughter stopped as if It implies the calmness of the boxer, the constant fighting and fighting, for the boxer, is the inner peace; carrying the hope of home, only in desperation is more willful, and the punch is more powerful. Carrying the will of the family will make a man stronger.

The last backlash situation comes from contradiction, which is the cognitive contradiction caused by the difference in attitude towards things at different ages. People’s growth is the growth of experience in most cases. The elderly tell them with experience over time, just like Rocky’s experience in boxing. Experience has given him a respectable coaching status. But in "Credi 2", Rocky, with the atmosphere of revenge and life open, his role is no longer limited to the coach. The elder's perception of life is his advantage, but it also caused him and Kui Dee's Contradictions. The role of a life mentor is to warn the newcomers with their own experience and avoid detours, but for future generations, if they avoid detours, how can they accumulate rich experience, not to mention where there will be straight paths. The road was always his own, said Mother Creed, and he was the only one who could save him now.

The arrogance of revenge, the fear of failure, regaining confidence in responsibility and care; young and vigorous, fearless, facing the fall, find yourself, but the process of finding yourself is very warm and in line with the current social morality. Men's expectations. As a result, "Creed: Rising Heroes" is no longer a fight in the boxing ring, and the fighting space is completely open, extending to all aspects of life. Creed's transformation seems to be the epitome of the growth of men in the context of modern society. This time Hollywood has refined modern men comprehensively and accurately.

The final battle of the film did not have the expected mimic long shot, abandoned the lens aesthetics and returned to the essence of the story. Except for the unsportsmanlike behavior of the opponent deliberately attacking the injured part, the grasp of the story level is exciting enough, not only Creed's first. It takes pressure to deal a fatal blow to the enemy, and the Drago father and son, who have been masked until now, also began to get complicated.

When the two in the ring only have a fight of will, a moment of silence will make people clear. Neil Armstrong in "First Man on the Moon" relieved his daughter's departure in silence and turned around. In "Creed: Rise of the Heroes," the two men in the ring are in the peace of will, and Drago gave up the original idea of ​​supporting him to go to the United States. In the end, the one who saves oneself is still oneself, and personal growth is also learning to let go and reconcile those beliefs that have been insisted on but can be let go.

Comparison with the fist stage of the hustle and bustle Lodge lonely figure, compared to the first Quiddy from the perspective of spiritual heritage, Rocky perspective this one is sad and moving, it is young people fighting, and the collapse of revenge, resentment understand , the joy of victory has long been lost, stay out of it, the next ring is yours.

As long as there is a heart, life is everywhere . A "Creed: Rising Heroes" is no longer a simple hormonal explosion of competitive sports. It records a man's ups and downs from being arrogant to falling and then taking responsibility. It is a symbolic interpretation of the positive face of modern men. Although "Creed: Rise of Heroes" is an idealized product of Hollywood, it is the right way to reconcile universal values ​​compared to "Charlotte Annoyance" and the kind of male collective retrospective lustful carnival. . And while the world is flattening men for "feminism," it's great to see a Creed franchise that truly showcases the growth and strength of men.

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Creed quotes

  • Adonis Johnson: I can train at your house.

    Rocky Balboa: No I don't know nobody's been to my house in a long time you might be uncomfortable there.

    Adonis Johnson: What, do you walk around naked?

  • Adonis Johnson: [after finding one of Paulie's old porno magazines] Alright Paulie!