grow all the time

Clemens 2022-11-18 02:31:30

Growth is everywhere, and transformation is all the time. Around February 2018, a piece of my mobile hard disk was sacrificed honorably, and many episodes in it could never be found again, and this incident caused my mood to be very gloomy for a time, so many of my daily chasing dramas were at that time. There is a fault, and this first season of 9-1-1 is one of them. At that time, I watched the first three episodes, and then because of the accident on the hard disk, I switched to the small language series. I watched the current 10 episodes when the second season of the series returned in the second half of this year (some people said that it was the end of the half-season , and some people said it was the end of the second season), but in any case, I turned around and watched the first season again, with a 10-episode capacity. I spent a day this season, so I read the story more coherently, and many story lines have new feelings. First of all, I personally think that the first season is Abby's growth journey. It is the role that many people complain about the old-fashioned actor. Abby's actor is a familiar face of American TV dramas. I am impressed by the country musicians. Next stop After the song, there is also the Murder House in the first season of American Horror Story, which I like very much. It can be said that I am impressed. This time I played the 9-1-1 operator. She faces all kinds of emergencies on the other end of the phone every day. Although she also helps others, she is always an outsider compared to those who deal with the scene. The development between Abby and her sick mother in these ten episodes is The most touching thing is, to be honest, she can choose to send her mother to a relevant institution, she can save her love, she can save her life, but she chooses self-sacrifice time and time again, but, does this count? As for sacrifice, I personally think that there are two analytical positions. As a beneficiary, you can feel that what the other party does is sacrifice for you, while for the giver, whether it is sacrifice or not is her own will. The love between Abby and the fire brigade's little wolf dog, some people dislike the huge age gap between the two sides. To be honest, I personally feel that the age issue has always been more concerned by the oriental people in love. The problem is that love is originally two people get along with each other. I feel that people think that after the age of forty, they are in full bloom, so age is never a problem in front of love. The actor who played Abby only had a contract for the first season. Because there was a new episode to participate in, the first season finally arranged for her to choose a vacation for her life. Personally, I liked this treatment very much. The wolf dog's love, the death of her mother, she finally had a chance to re-examine her life. Personally, I don't think it's a fuss. It's just wanting to try more. Life, only in sudden changes can you have this way. Courage to try. Then say cancel The captain of the defense team, the appearance of the six feet under was still very young, and now he is also a mature man. In his story line, the guilt of his wife and daughter has aggravated the original problem of alcoholism, and alcoholism was the beginning of his tragedy. His small notebook records the process of his redemption. Foreign countries are very respectful of this mutual aid model, and some People criticize them for formalism, but sometimes these formalisms can help a little bit, so benevolent people have their own opinions. The growth of the little wolf dog is obvious in these ten episodes, from the immature and naive at the beginning to the understanding and tolerance of others, and the love path between him and Abby has made him mature and made him a better person. good self. The Asian face Lao Qi did not have a lot of roles in this season. He was not confident in his love, which finally led to the outbreak of problems. And his own accident, can only say, thank you that it was in the drama, in reality The chances of such luck are basically slim. Besides, Officer Asina, the problem between her and her husband was a very interesting breaking point in the story from the very beginning. This is not the story of the same wife who cheated on the marriage. Together and finally suddenly want to be their own model. Her husband chooses to be himself when he is middle-aged, comes out of the closet and plans to divorce. You can't just look at it, and Asina, from the first evasion and rejection to the later discovery, also needs to discover new possibilities. Say, it's a story about forgiveness about inclusion. Not many scenes but impressive is the social worker who helped Abby take care of her mother. It can be said that such a truly warmhearted person is really rare. After talking about these, I want to list some impressive first aid cases, which may spoil a lot. In the first episode, the robber kidnaps the child. Here, the operator Abby's wit, decisiveness and bravery are described in detail. Strictly speaking, it is the case where she rescued the little girl and was wrapped around her neck by a big python. Finally, the girl and the little wolf dog Came a shot. The second episode is the roller coaster incident of the stills, and in this one, it is impossible for rescuers to save everyone, and some people have chosen to give up on themselves. The third episode of burglary was surrounded by dogs, but he called 9-1-1 for help and escaped smoothly. The thief was also witty; he bought a new motorcycle and broke into two in a car accident. The emergency personnel can only be the last companion. In the fourth episode, the plane crashed and fell into the sea. The rescue in this episode can be seen as an independent micro-movie. The long stare of the rescued mother before getting into the car is the best thanks. The male passenger who broke into 9-1-1 and left his last words was even more moving. (I still don't know why You can make phone calls on the plane) Episode 5 The floor of the wedding scene collapsed and the high voltage line fell into the swimming pool. The sixth episode is the horror of helicopter marriage proposal, and this episode is a propositional composition for Valentine's Day. There are terrible female mental patients who are obsessed with love, there are poor girls who are cheated by a man, and two partners who have been with each other for many years leave one after another. The domestic violence in the seventh episode of the night of the full moon is worth seeing. The eighth episode can be summed up by the trial and error of karma, all kinds of stories about the good reincarnation of heaven, and if you want to relieve your anger, watch this episode. The ninth episode is about taking a life-changing step, and the story of the homeless being thrown into a garbage shredder and rescued later is also worth pondering. After the tenth episode, he actually got a British accent, and the perspective of a person suffering from suspended animation is a bit scary. He was still alive but couldn't move and was placed on the dissection table, almost being dissected. All in all, the story of the first season is also very connotative. If it is a propositional composition, I personally think that this is also a good propositional composition. The story can be told to move people's hearts and it can be a success. The personal score is 8.2 points, and the recommendation index is 4 stars.

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