"Unparalleled" has not been painted yet. That is to make counterfeit banknotes, this is to make high imitation art. In fact, banknotes are also works of art. With the popularity of virtual currency and electronic payment, banknotes will disappear in the future, or become collectibles like stamps, but how many people still collect stamps today?
I remembered a documentary I watched about the painters of Dafen Oil Painting Village in Shenzhen. They imitated world famous paintings and hung them in the living room or collected them every day. Are they considered artists? Are their "works" considered works of art?
The female protagonist is beautiful, and the male protagonist is also sunny.
It's interesting to have a relationship through the barbed wire.
Do school buses around the world have to be yellow? Just like fire trucks are red, ambulances are white, and postal vehicles are green.
In an unoccupied house, "invasion" becomes the "master", which is very "Empty Room Seduction".
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