What kind of shit did the big bomb shoot!

Jalyn 2022-03-15 09:01:11

What kind of shit are you filming. The cruel historical background is lined up by you, the shit director. There is no central idea. Nondescript, no themes. Now it seems that the big bombing is really a big deception. You are a one-man director and producer, with the money from the bus in your hand to make a movie with such a serious theme, and you don't care at all. This movie will be scolded as shit without Cui Yongyuan criticizing it. Sure enough, with the money of the investors, I invited some big bowls to walk around, and I used the camera to shoot twice. Then you will be very happy with the contract. Use all the money. Report this to the shareholders. The money is in the hands of you rascals. fuck

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Air Strike quotes

  • An Minxun: Sir. Please allow us to go kick some ass.

  • Jack: [throwing his coffee machine on the tally board] DAMN IT!