She lived to be the greatest of women The radiance swallowed up the perfect woman should not be forgotten

Janice 2022-12-14 13:05:41

The contrast between Heidi's character and her appearance is incomprehensible to people of that era, so she has always been regarded as a stunner, and no one wants to know her true self... When Heidi was born, she was born by a mother who wanted a son Disgusted, her father's selfless love for her has become especially warm to her. In order to make up for her gender mistakes, children will subtly learn to change, and Heidi has also become like a boy. She likes science when she goes to school. , studied communication engineering and became a movie star. He was regarded as a vase, but he was not willing to do so. The way to help the country during the war was to study the remote control signal-frequency hopping technology (the basic technology of today's GPS, wifi, etc.) selfless Contributing technology to the country's military applications, in return for the humiliation of disdain, did not give her respect until after her death. No matter how you look at it, why would a good girl like these things, but after 6 failed marriages in her life, she is actually very dependent on getting along with men, and she feels that she can't meet someone who truly loves her like her father. It's not hard to see How much influence did the family atmosphere have on her when she was a child? The influence of the original family on everyone will last a lifetime, but sometimes we don't even notice it. Parents' denial of their children's gender is very important in the 'ban' One point, Heidi's lifelong character performance is the effect of this 'ban'. She is obviously so beautiful and is one of the most beautiful actors in history, but she has to rely on her ability and talent to prove herself. In a patriarchal society, women are objectified. In the background, no one accepts her either; to rely on a man is to rely on the reflex of the father. Because of her beauty, men are rushing to pursue her, making her think again and again that she has obtained true love, but in fact she is just like a trophy, and getting it is the beginning of being abandoned. "Be yourself and try your best to pursue what you want." The love her father gave her, let her follow her heart to pursue bravely, but this is something that no other man can do... That era owed Heidi too much, a Respect, recognition, and at least fairness to an independent and avant-garde girl with both talent and beauty.

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Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story quotes

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    Hedy Lamarr - Self: [voice over] I'll read you something pretty. "People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered - love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, alternative motives - do good anyway. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds - think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight - build anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll be kicked into the teeth - give the world the best you've got anyway."