Documentary that I miss for a long time

Preston 2022-11-16 23:17:11

Episode 1 Empire of the sun

The city of the sun in India sees a total solar eclipse - the diameter of the sun is 400 times that of the moon, and coincidentally, the distance between the sun and the earth is also 400 times the distance between the moon and the earth. (resemblance)

The sun is 5 billion years old, and the universe is 14 billion years old.

Dark clouds, containing hydrogen molecules and dust, low temperature, due to weak gravity, gradually collapse, (hydrogen fuses into helium - huge energy), stars form.

The subtle energy changes of the sun also have a great impact on the earth, the energy is large +, the rainy season +, but the Sahara -.


Solar wind - Earth? How to escape threats - Auroras - Earth's force field is the magnetic field (due to rotation, with Fe inside) - Shield. When the solar wind attacks the earth, the magnetic field will be deformed and pulled back to the back, similar to a rubber band, the energy will be accumulated, and it will be accelerated and released to the poles along the magnetic lines of force - the northern lights aurora

The sun☀ has a very large sphere of influence (assuming that the distance between the sun and the earth is 1㎝, and the farthest Oort cloud must be 500m), outside of that, there is nothing.

The end of the sun - in the HR diagram, the sun will follow the main sequence, burning steadily until the fuel runs out, the core collapses, the outer layers expand (200 times), the red giant star, the outer layers are lost, the inner core cools, and the dim material continues form part of a dark cloud.

Episode 2 order out of chaos

Seasons occur when the Earth's axis is deviated by 23°. The North Star is basically in line with the Earth's axis, so the stars revolve around the North Star in the night sky.

To modern people, astronomy seems obscure because we have lost our close connection with the night sky.

In the night sky, the reverse movement of Mars cannot be explained by the geocentric theory - the heliocentric theory appeared.

One of the laws of nature — spin, ? conservation of angular momentum — spins faster and faster, and when it collapses — like a tornado?, too, when the solar system was formed.

Saturn's rings can be used as a model for studying the solar system, dust disk vs Saturn's rings (thumbnail)

- Saturn's rings are composed of icy debris (so they glow) - related to Saturn's moons (weird) moons, via ?gravity

Among them? Enceladus Enceladus (the most reflective, the North Pole is pitted, the South Pole is newly formed flat, only the ravines, similar to the earth, but covered with ice instead of rock - there will be jets at the South Pole - where does the energy come from? (too small, should be solid inside)? - elliptical orbit, tidal forces, stretched Enceladus, internal friction, injected energy) - ejected icy debris to form Saturn's rings

- Orbital resonance, which makes the halo gap - Solar system suffers too, Saturn Jupiter's orbital resonance (once very close) - Causes Neptune to fall into the comet belt, comets fly around his Bombardment, craters everywhere - but, It is said that the comet with water ☄ brought water to the earth.

You and I both originated from chaos 4.5 billion years ago

Episode 3 the thin blue line


Gravitational (weakest) attraction forms the atmosphere

Atmospheric protection -? Prevent the temperature difference between day and night from being too large - Mercury (the smallest, too close to the sun, the temperature is too high) -naked - there was an atmosphere

?Meteorite hits the earth - starts to interact with the atmosphere at 85㎞ - squeezes the air in front - generates pressure waves - heats up (similar to the surface temperature of the sun) - lights up the sky, a series of explosions, scattered black stones - Murjery Craters on various craters

There is an atmosphere in the solar system, but if the composition of the atmosphere is a little different, the fate will be very different - ☀Venus Venus-greenhouse effect (? Greenhouse effect ~ the surface absorbs visible light and reflects infrared rays, that is, thermal radiation, while CO2 is good at absorbing infrared rays, locking hold heat, heat up) - excess CO2, heat up, volcanic eruptions, sulfuric acid clouds, high-speed rotating atmosphere -choked to death

☀Mars - red planet - vast sand dunes, huge volcanoes, huge ice formations, canyons and valleys - dry version of the earth and covered in sand - due to almost no atmosphere - but, the probe found a meteorite - There was an atmosphere - why was it lost? - The solar wind strips the atmosphere - there was a magnetic field (produced by the melting iron core in the depths of the earth) - but the mass is small and there is not enough heat to maintain - the core solidifies - loses the magnetic field

☀weather -? Although Mars has little atmosphere left, it can still make a big impact - every few years, a global dust storm, capable of covering Mount Olympus (three times larger than Mount Everest)

? Jupiter's atmosphere is thick, boiling, extremely - storm forming (hot water vapor rises - condenses into clouds - gap below, low pressure area - more moist warm gas enters - continuous energy for storm) - but Jupiter's storm is bigger (the earth gets more energy from the sun) - Jupiter is composed of gas (H.He) - huge planet - huge gravity - high pressure - gas liquefaction and heat release - providing energy - eg. the red spot

?Titan - with the most Earth-like atmosphere - a thick blue line (filled with N2, containing CH4) - so small, how can it be able to capture such a thick atmosphere? ——Because it is far away from the sun, the temperature is low - the analysis motion is slow - the required gravitational force is small - Cassini's landing on Titan - photographed a round ○ stone - Is there a river? —Also photographed the black area-Is there any liquid? - It can't be water (it can't be H2O under temperature and pressure), what is that? ——In fact, it is methane CH4-methane lake, methane cloud, methane rain (the gravitational force is small, methane raindrops with thin atmosphere ~ 1cm, slowly descend), methane gas ~ methane cycle

Episode 4 dead or alive

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