Do what you love to do, that's the meaning of life.

Brionna 2022-03-15 09:01:11

Jay Moriretti is an ordinary middle school student who likes to surf.

It's one thing to like it, it's another thing to overcome all obstacles to do it and be the best you can be. In the film, Jay Moriretti's love for surfing has reached a crazy level. Regardless of the danger, he secretly went to Half Moon Bay to observe the sea, bluntly asked Frosty Hayson for advice, received hard training, and went without fear of sacrifice. challenges, etc. Perhaps, this is the difference between ordinary people who are unknown and those who are revered and successful.

Jay succeeded at sixteen and died young at twenty-two. Although his life is short, it has shined brilliantly, and what he does is what he likes, which is worth it. The value of life is not in the length of time, but in its brightness.

Some people think that Jay's life is too lonely, I just want to answer with the dialogue in the film, the pursuit of love with life, will never be lonely.

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Extended Reading

Chasing Mavericks quotes

  • Frosty Hesson: As for the rest, all I will say is... the ones who push the limits, discover the limits sometimes push back.

  • Sonny: Paddle, paddle, paddle, little grom.