This is their ideal country

Dangelo 2022-09-12 12:40:51

Michael Moore is famous, but I don't know much about him. In line with the principle of "not making assumptions about unknown characters and events", this film review is purely based on the viewing experience of this film.

If I had to categorize it, I would say this is a documentary with elements of black comedy. Excluding the chagrin that the Pentagon has launched many wars after World War II, failed many times, and cultivated an organization like ISIS, and reassigned Michael Moore to the beginning of the "invasion". The film is to travel around in various Caucasian countries to explore the advantages of the United States compared to the country's social system. The content is roughly as follows [serious spoilers below]:

Italy (more than 30 days of paid leave per year and 5 months of paid maternity leave for pregnant women);

France (state-level, nutritionally balanced lunch in a backcountry primary school);

Finland (no homework, no key schools, but the world's No. 1 education system);

Slovenia (university is free, while American college students are burdened with heavy loans);

Germany (legislation stipulates that more than 50% of the board of directors are workers, the advantage is that the company system fully considers the needs of workers, such as the introduction of regulations that bosses are not allowed to contact employees during off-duty hours; deep reflection on the Holocaust, and the United States never feels guilty for the past slave system);

Portugal (drug legalization has reduced crime rates, while the war on drugs in the U.S. has become a tool for sending blacks to prison and disenfranchising blacks; the U.S. cannot legalize drugs until complete universal free health care is in place) due effect; the police support the idea that there is no death penalty as a violation of human dignity);

Norway (the prison for murderers has a private bathroom, kitchen, library and recording studio, the conditions are much better than the dormitory in my university... prisoners also retain the right to vote);

Tunisia (after a long struggle the people overthrew a corrupt government, Muslim women fought for the right to abortion, and it was written into the constitution that women and men have equal rights);

Iceland (the world's first elected female president and many female executives, the proportion of men and women on the board of directors is required by legislation to be between 40%-60%; Iceland lost 85% of its wealth in the 2008 financial crisis, the only one that did not lose investment Financial institutions of human property are created and led by women because women are less selfish and testosterone-fueled than men; bankers who lead to financial crises are thrown into prison).

Of course, in the end, the former U.S. prosecutors helped Iceland send the bankers to prison. After reflecting on these good ideas, they all came from the United States, but they were not realized in the United States. The Americans can definitely bring the United States back on track.

From the above content, the tone of the film is a typical "white left". "Bai Zuo" is a vocabulary created by Chinese netizens, and it has been included in the online slang dictionary UrbanDictionary:

Bai Zuo is a Chinese expression, a term that refers specifically to naive Westerners who are well educated but advocate peace and equality only to satisfy their own sense of moral superiority. White Left focuses only on issues such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment. They are very obsessed with political correctness, and they even introduce some backward Islamic values ​​for the sake of cultural diversity.
The Chinese think that Western white leftists are ignorant and arrogant, sympathize with the world, and think they are the saviors of the world.

After watching this film, I was very happy, I felt that the society was full of hope, and the ideal world seemed within reach. But if you think about it carefully, just realizing public-funded medical care and public-funded education is enough to kill the brains of all populous countries. Simply put, it is unaffordable: if the tax rate is increased, it will inevitably lead to a decrease in the income of the middle class - no tax on the poor, Taxing the wealthy too heavily can lead to unemployment (small businesses laying off workers and closing down, big ones moving out). Nordic countries are small countries with few people and abundant natural resources (such as Iceland, which has quickly recovered its economy through tourism) or capital accumulation (scientific and technological barriers, etc.) to achieve such high welfare. In other words, if a big country splits into small countries, there will always be countries that can become high welfare, and the price is that some other small countries after the split are half-dead. This is one reason why Catalonia always thinks about breaking away from Spain. After the Catalonia region held a referendum to declare independence in October last year, none of the foreign mainstream media supported it. Nothing to do with it (just the opposite of what happened in Taiwan).

I really liked two things about the film:

One was an interview in Tunisia, using the mouths of Tunisian journalists to speak out about the problems of the United States-blind arrogance, the time spent on the Kardashian show is far better than the time spent on understanding other corners of the world, thinking that I am the world's first. A powerful country is equivalent to a template for the whole world. If the diversification advocated by the white left is carried out within a reasonable range, it is indeed necessary to save the United States that is separated from the world. Interestingly, this applies to the Chinese as well. Although we are not the most powerful country in the world, we have a very similar short-sightedness to the United States. We only see Western countries (actually just referring to the United States in most cases) and ourselves. If it weren't for the "Belt and Road Initiative" recently, how many people could name several Middle East and African countries? As the second largest in terms of GDP, a developing country in education, medical care, and environmental protection, is it not good to lower your stance and try to learn from other countries? Before becoming number one in the world, you already have the pride of a superpower, and have you completely forgotten what the older generation taught you to "take all losses and benefit from modesty"? Do you think I'm going to start criticizing zf? No no no, keep it this time. Recently, I feel more and more that Chinese people are both narrow-minded and competitive. They only see the world's best, and they start to criticize the government if they can't compare. It seems that all the good things are due, and all the bad things are brought about by the system. Anyway, the fault is someone else's. I will always be a victim, but I don't want to change anything. As a keyboard warrior online, I can immerse myself in games and variety shows with peace of mind. There is no belief, no ideal, or even a solid bottom line of principles.

Another is that in Iceland, the legislation requires that the proportion of men and women on the board of directors should be between 40% and 60%. There must be some people here who think, ha, another feminist. Not to say the big truth, just because many people think that China has achieved gender equality, or even overkill, I have a question: How many women in the company's senior management? Is there 40%? When the intelligence level of men and women is equal, and even women's performance is generally higher than that of men, if it is not the discrimination against women in the workplace, what is causing this situation?

I most want to complain about the part about sending the banker to prison. If all the evils in this world can be blamed on a small number of people, then it is really easy to cook.

In short, this is the ideal country of the white left, simple and naive.

We can call for equality, but we cannot ignore the fact that the earth's resources are not enough to support such "equality". Obama once said in a public speech: If more than 1 billion Chinese people live the same life as the United States and Australia, it will be a tragedy and disaster for mankind.

Well you know I think China has an enormous interest in solving this problem. You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for a very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, so they understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental consequences. So I think they understand intellectually. Right now though they’re understandable impulse is to say well let’s let the developed countries, the Australias, and the Americas deal with this problem first and we’ll get to it when we’ve caught up a little bit in terms of our standard of living. The point we’ve tried to make is we can’t, we can’t allow China to wait. We have to take responsibility and do what needs to be done, but if emerging countries not just China but also India, Brazil and others are pursuing a path in which they replace us as the largest carbon emitters, that’s not a sustainable practical approach, so we’re going to have to have everybody moving on the same track at the same time.

A more euphemistic translation is:

If all the Chinese now live like Americans and Australians all at once, then the situation for all of us will be miserable, because the earth (which will be severely polluted) simply cannot be maintained, so China should not follow the old road of developed countries, China should solve environmental problems while developing its economy. Chinese leaders understand this, but they want developed countries to cut emissions first, because Chinese people's living standards are still very low, which is understandable, but if China or India or Brazil or other countries are allowed to replace Western countries as the largest emitters, In fact, this is still walking the old road, and it will not work at all, so all countries must work together to solve the problem.

It is everyone's wish to live in an equal, prosperous, democratic and free country. Even if the paths are different, the destination is the same. This is probably one of the few consensus among humans.

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Where to Invade Next quotes

  • Michael Moore: I am an American. I live in a great country, that was born in genocide and built on the backs of slaves.