You're so big and brainless

Immanuel 2022-11-01 22:52:38

Except for her appearance, the world denies all her value.

In [Captain America], Steve Rogers finally became a super soldier.

He's got the strength, he's got the guts, but the big guys just see, tsk, he's in good shape, and he can go on stage to show his muscles and sell war bonds.

For a while, he became a little juggling monkey, riding a wheelbarrow and holding a shield that symbolized America.

The bosses probably think that this person is big-chested and brainless, and cannot be a great weapon.

like a smirk mascot

[Captain America] has a "happy ending", bean sprouts finally became Captain America, and killed himself for the justice he upheld.

Even if he is separated from life and death, he has been sleeping for a long time without waking up, and when he opens his eyes again, he has changed to a new world. At least he has completed a perfect heroic arc.

But there are people who don't have that blessing, and the image is forever frozen in coquettishness to sell war bonds.

like Heidi Lamar

Now, people call her "Wonder Woman in real life," and Gal Gadot is likely to play her.

But at that time, she was "actress", "player" and even "porn star".

Even Catwoman is based on her.

Anne Hathaway in [Batman: The Dark Knight Rises], imitating her charming and sexy

But she's not just an actress. In recent years, it is also the "mother of WIFI". She wanted to use her inventive talent to contribute to the end of the war. But the bigwigs say you're doing a big favor by selling bonds.

She did so and raised $25 million (about 170 million yuan), which is equivalent to $343 million (about 2.3 billion yuan) in today's money.

Almost her entire life, she has not escaped the fate of the mascot. When people think of her pictures, it is often in the movies that her face is full of desire.

Bah, you're just a brainless person.

Even though she and the composer George Antel jointly opened up a set of radio systems, the spread spectrum and frequency hopping basics involved make Bluetooth and WIFI possible.

The mother of WIFI has been a monkey on a unicycle for a long time, a beautiful monkey.

When looking forward to Gadot playing her, you can watch the documentary [Stunning: The Biography of Heidi Rama] to learn about this legend.

The word stunner in the title is shocking: yes, in that era, in the face of such an extremely smart woman, she was only regarded as a "stunner".

Her tragedy is the tragedy of the times

This documentary is so current. It looks back to the era of Heidi Lamar, and at a glance sees through that she belongs to the contemporary era, and naturally conflicts with that era.

It's like Captain America wandering around in Times Square, not knowing what day it will be. The times were wrong, and what he insisted on was different from what the times believed.

And Heidi Lamar was beyond that era.

In the film, her daughter says: "As a feminist, she was ahead of her time"

Her tragedy is that she was a feminist before people were even familiar with it.

The film constantly highlights her side that collided with the times.

She disassembled machinery since she was a child, trying to understand how things work

The researchers also said that in a different era, she would become a scientist.

And his first husband, an arms manufacturer, even forbade her from entering the factory.

Her career choice is only to meet the expectations of people because of her beauty-actress.

She is such a beautiful little thing, put on her husband's side, decorated to make a man so face, on the big screen, the whole movie exudes sex appeal.

Dismantling machinery? Even if it is pretentious, that kind of sexy mixed with dark engine oil belongs to men.

Heidi, don't even think about touching them in the movies.

Even as an actress, she is restless.

The exploitation of actors in Hollywood in the early years is no secret. Especially for actresses.

Florence Lawrence, rumored to have died unexpectedly by producers as a means of promoting the film.

Ironically, this star-making method made her the first female star in Hollywood

Joan Crawford and Bette Davis are constantly being provoked to keep breaking news of the feud and keep the movie publicity hot.

Rivals: Betty and Joan recreates this dirty trick

MGM did not want "child star" Judy Garland to become a mother, and let the audience's expectations fail, so she forced her to have an abortion.

And she was 19 years old at that time, and she was born into a big girl, and she was no longer "Little Dorothy"

Heidi didn't believe it, and she bargained with Louis B. Mayer; she wanted to take power from the studio and make her own film.

All kinds of comparisons, at that time, were shocking.

But she wants more, she invented the Coke effervescent tablet, invented the communication system, and challenged the prejudice of the world.

However, all failed.

All the films she made were at a loss. Her patent was allegedly stolen from her ex-husband's factory.

She thought women could do it too, but reality slapped her hands again and again and told her she was wrong.

In that era, for such a woman, tragedy was doomed.

This documentary, recorded time and time again, is Heidi's defeat in the face of the times.

Her tragedy is a classical tragedy

But while Heidi is full of vanguard consciousness, her tragedy is also a classical tragedy.

Still, people can't escape their fate, and they can't escape themselves.

Her destiny was to be born in that era, but she was a woman, and a beautiful woman.

Such as Antigone, the tragedy of her life is because she was born of incest between Oedipus and his mother.

Heidi's father always told her since she was a child: Be yourself. But the failure of her life is all because she is herself.

All the world wants from Heidi is skin.

Heidi struggled, but the navy still thinks that it is better for her to make inventions, so she can be fascinated by all kinds of people, and sell more bonds.

The video only says, let her sell a kiss to a stranger

The film hides the detailed process, which is already a kind of mercy.

That kind of performance is even more embarrassing than the US team beat "Hitler" with a fake fist.

Heidi had to be on stage, flirting with the sailor, and asking the audience offstage if they should send a kiss. In the back and forth of booing, the amount raised was getting higher and higher until a certain amount was reached, and the audience could see The kiss they wanted.

Even with the noble purpose of justice, this method of asking women to sell their looks and satisfy the audience's voyeuristic desires is so obscene.

It hurts my heart that even she herself conceded defeat.

She still had some spirit left.

The host asked her, what is your image in Hollywood?

She asked Woody Allen, who was sitting on the side, angrily: What is your image?

Why ask me about this actress? Why don't you ask a man what image he has?

In that year, Woody Allen was a talented man who was not tall and handsome, and no one cared about his "image", but Heidi was required to be beautiful and pure everywhere, and even aging was a sin. How different from now.

But a series of distorted biographies made her finally succumb. Those books were full of how sexy and glamorous she was and how she filmed those nude scenes.

In her later years, she fell into endless plastic surgery.

but not very successful

But what can she do?

No one recognized her identity as an inventor, and she failed as a producer, but the nude scenes she was half-coaxed to film when she was young can be remembered to the end of the world.

Except for her appearance, the world denies all her value.

In her later years, even her skin was viciously said "how beautiful she used to be".

What else can she do but keep her skin in vain?

Even her beauty has been lost, what value does she have in this world?

My dissatisfaction with this documentary is that, by the end, it is still too tender.

At the end, it was revealed that Heidi's invention was finally recognized by the Navy, and the pictures of Bluetooth, WIFI, and satellite were released, giving the audience the illusion that success, although it was a little late, had finally arrived.

It even ends with a poem from a recording of Heidi's interview.

And that poem is full of power

This passage is beautiful and quite right, but I'm not sure how much she is sincere.

Maybe she really thought so during the interview, or maybe she would wander between believing and not believing this sentence, or maybe she just ended the interview beautifully.

Because in her later years, she began to refuse to go out, not even her relatives, and communicated with people all day long, only on the phone.

She can even talk on the phone for six hours a day.

The movie doesn't say much about this part of her.

There is only a little clue: even the Navy affirmed her, and her son attended on her behalf, she only called

At the end of her life, she refused to face people's pointing at her color, even though people were willing to admit that she had a brain.

The endless compliments of her beautiful skin finally defeated her.

In the end, she ran counter to the times and passed by by mistake. The times came, but she retreated. What a ridiculous and cruel joke.

The prosperous world at the end is almost whitewashing the peace.

She won't have another era of unbridled talent. As for the people behind her, what's the point of calling her the mother of WIFI, or the real-life Wonder Woman?

The way she once struggled needlessly was actually more beautiful than her skin. But the role the world has arranged for her is just a vase.

She protested with shaking, but smashed herself to pieces; she was in pain, and glued herself piece by piece, but she couldn't restore her original appearance after all.

In the end, he lost his sharp posture, and he didn't even have the qualifications to be an ornament.

Such a tragedy really does not need to end with the success of later generations. The power Heidi possesses is that her life is a flight of losers.


Text: Jiang not stop

The article comes from WeChat public account: Movie Detoxification

View more about Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story reviews

Extended Reading

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story quotes

  • [last lines]

    Hedy Lamarr - Self: [voice over] I'll read you something pretty. "People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered - love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, alternative motives - do good anyway. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds - think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight - build anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll be kicked into the teeth - give the world the best you've got anyway."