If you understand lock-in, you will understand "Ghost Story"

Deshaun 2022-12-14 15:41:30


There are two people you need to know about lock-in.

One was Julia Tavalaro: In 1966, Tavalaro, 32, was admitted to the hospital in a vegetative state until 1972 when members of her family found out she was hearing a joke After trying to smile. It was only after the therapist discovered that her eyeballs could move on their own that Tavalaro was judged to have locked-in syndrome rather than a vegetative state. Tavararo became a poet and writer after learning to communicate by blinking in response to the letters pointed out on the alphabet board.

The other is Jean-Dominique Bauby: Paris correspondent. He suffered a stroke on December 8, 1995, and woke up 20 days later to find that his body was almost completely paralyzed. He could only control his left eyelid and communicate with outsiders by blinking. It took him two years to complete his memoir "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly".

These two patients are typical patients with locked-in syndrome, and the so-called locked-in syndrome refers to a special manifestation of the patient's inability to speak and move despite being clearly conscious, mostly caused by thrombus at the base of the pons. Today, the movie Shark would like to recommend to everyone. This "Ghost Story", which premiered at the London Film Festival in October 2017, tells the story of a locked-in patient combining his life's tragic experience and what he saw and heard when he was hospitalized, in a pool of stagnant water. Under the surface of his body, his brain is fully functioning, and this "Ghost Story" is presented to the audience in his brain.

Bullied as a teenager

6, 79, 19, 11, 92, 20, 48, 1, 32.

Room numbers, parking spaces, billboards, rolling shutters... The various digital images that follow in the film are the projections of the male protagonist's experience of being bullied when he was young. Because of the school's bully boy, he once coerced the male protagonist to play a prank on the mentally disabled classmate Callahan, tricking him into saying that he should follow the numbers 6, 79, 19, 11 written on the sewer wall... Go down and find the 10th one. numbers, you can join their gang. As a result, Callahan was trapped in the sewer, died of an asthma attack, and in this numbers game, there was no tenth number at all. Because of his cowardice and incompetence, the male protagonist was unable to save his classmates, which became a heart disease of his life.

Attempted suicide in car


At 3:45 on April 13th, the male protagonist was hospitalized due to attempted suicide in the car, which caused atresia. This time point is very important for the male protagonist, so in his three ghost stories:

night watchman tony sees haunted

Teenage Rifkind hits monster

Businessman Mike's wife and son die

key events occurred at this point in time.

discordant family of origin

This life experience of the male protagonist is mainly reflected in the ghost story of "Juvenile Rifkind Hits a Monster and Kills a Monster".

The male protagonist in his youth was cowardly and psychologically fragile, but his parents were extremely strict with him. If you go home late, you will be scolded, if you forget to fill in the accommodation form, you will be scolded, you will be scolded if you don’t get a driver’s license, and you will be scolded if you don’t find a summer job. Because he is often monitored and controlled by his parents at home, Rifkind, a teenager, finally got the opportunity to drive out one day, but accidentally killed a sheep. At that time, he mistakenly thought that he killed a person and dared not tell Parents, lead to more serious psychological problems.

In the ghost story, in the real experience, the parents of the male protagonist only have strange backs, and the killed sheep turns into a sheep-headed monster, while the image of the male protagonist is taken by the hospital nurse Rifkind, who is often called by the wrong name. replace.

Wife and son died in middle age

This life experience is reflected in the ghost story of "the death of businessman Mike's wife and son". The male protagonist's wife missed the best age for childbearing because of her career focus, and eventually died in the delivery room. Mike, the businessman, also committed suicide after meeting with the male protagonist. In the real world, the image of this poor businessman Mike is drawn from the male lead clinician.

Imaginings of dead children

After the death of his wife and son, the male protagonist imagines a haunted man in an empty mansion, and imagines that his child is an evil spirit, because the B-ultrasound image is distorted and invisible. The doll in the baby room arranged by the male protagonist, the yellow doll, became the subconscious source of the first ghost story at the beginning of the film, "Tony the Night Watchman Sees a Haunting". At 3:45 in the middle of the night, Tony the night watchman saw the little girl in yellow and called his father, which corresponds to the male protagonist's obsession with the stillborn child. The master is lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen tube in his mouth, and the image of the night watchman comes from the cleaners who come to the man's ward to clean every day.

"Ghost Story" is a horror and suspense masterpiece with rich details and rigorous logic. Movie Shark thought Ghost Stories was a great name. One reason is that this ghost story reflects the entanglement in the male protagonist's soul and the regrets in his life experience. Another reason is that it gives all the locked-in sufferers an alias called "ghost".

In the eyes of others:

"House with the lights on but no one inhabited" (a body without a soul)

"If you want to kill yourself, you should shoot your head with a gun" (locked in is more sad than death)

"Mouth full of infusion tubes, unable to move all day" (loss of subjective motivation)

In fact, the patients with atresia just don't talk and do not move, fake coma, but are actually conscious "people". The existence of this group deserves more attention and understanding from the society.

Reality is boring

interesting movie

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Extended Reading

Ghost Stories quotes

  • Tony Matthews: You'll think I'm mad.

  • Mike Priddle: You ever killed anything?

    Professor Goodman: Certainly not.

    Mike Priddle: Nothing you'll admit to, eh?