"Double-sided Romeo" - his world we don't understand

Llewellyn 2022-11-03 02:58:39

Movies let us enter the world of some few people and feel their lives.

Like Lucas in the German movie "Romeo Two Sides". Called Transgender. ("transgender", colloquially known as "transgender").

Lucas is "FTM" (female-to-male) to be precise.

We saw at the beginning of the film that Lucas recorded the process of injecting androgen in an online video. After 25 injections, his appearance was basically the same as that of a boy.

Of course, Lucas is still working on it. He worked out tenaciously and tried his best to integrate into the world of boys. His former girlfriends were surprised by his changes, and the friends around him didn't know about it, and they always regarded him as a handsome and a little withdrawn boy.

We would think that Lucas turned from a daughter to a boy in order to become a straight man and pursue the girl in his heart. But surprisingly, he fell in love with a boy.

Just as his best friend asked suspiciously: Since he likes boys, it's good to be a girl! Maybe it's easier!

But Lucas said, these are two different concepts!

His world, we do not understand.

Although we don't understand, we don't understand, but through this movie story, we see the sacrifices and efforts made by a 19-year-old boy (girl?) to pursue the life he wants.

In fact, the most moving details in the movie are the clips of several online videos. Among them are Lucas's own bit-by-bit records, as well as the situation of the same group of people. They have to endure various adverse reactions of drugs, pay high medical expenses, and at the same time bear the reality of being discriminated and humiliated. They can only encourage each other, as Lucas said to the netizens in front of the camera, we have to keep fighting.

The reduced picture, the dim light, seems to be the space to accommodate them, destined to be small and depressing. Yet their hearts are still thirsty for happiness and full of hope.

This is destined to be a story belonging to a small group of people. The director of the film "hopes to tell the audience how a young man should bravely live the life he wants, as well as people's pursuit and desire for happiness."

The inner strength is the real strength. In the short video at the end of the film, Lucas ran to the sea happily, he finally let go of himself and realized his dream.

Seeing this brings tears to our eyes, happy for Lucas, but also lamenting for the less-than-perfect real life.

(Note: This film review is shared from my public account "Non-film review")

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