See the most beautiful woman, talk about the most bitter love

Ron 2022-09-16 05:40:06

I ran happily to see the fairy and the fairy fall in love, but I couldn't cry the whole way.

Since the day [Disobedience] announced the casting, most people can't wait for this movie;

After its premiere at the Toronto Film Festival last year , it received numerous acclaim. The plot, photography and performance were all praised.

Rachel McAdams + Rachel Weisz, goddess square strike

Just Yen value is enough play, "double Rachel" combination, directed at card Division I need to tenth. (etc)

"call me by your name and I'll call you by mine"

Come back, come back, come back.

It is no exaggeration to say that from the day it was announced last year that [Disobedience] would be released at the Toronto Film Festival , I began to look forward to it, and the psychological expectations were set quite high.

And after finally watching it? The film itself is naturally exquisite and delicate in expression, and it fully meets expectations and is not disappointed at all;

The more feeling is that although I knew in advance that the overall atmosphere of the film was depressing , I still had to say one sentence after watching it: Oh my god, it’s so sad .

How can you be so sad...

Happily ran to see fairies and fairy fall in love , the whole result as stuck in my throat all cry cry.

How could the world treat them like this...Look at them both, do n't girls like this deserve everything they want and need? !

...sorry, I really need to vent.

Ronette is a photographer who lives at ease

She is independent and free and enjoys her New York life very much .

However, a phone call came from her hometown, and the news of her father's death brought her back to the orthodox Jewish community where she grew up .

Here, nothing has changed, and nothing will change in the future;

In addition, and we have had short memories of Ai Sidi , married to a mutual friend, the church heir Duo Weide .

This was beyond Ronette's expectations

As the rabbi's daughter , the love between the two was the reason for Ronette's expulsion ;

At the reunion moment of Ronette and Esty , it seemed to be a little shy at first, but it didn't take long to find out that there was still a lot of love between the two ;

This not only brought trouble to the two of them, but also brought unexpected and quiet changes to the people around them and to the entire town .

The past is coming, and they, who are entangled in their old love , will make a choice in this small town under the bondage of taboos ?

I want to love you, nothing can stop me

Ronette went home for the funeral after being discovered because of her homosexuality , and she and her father had not spoken on the phone or had any form of contact for nearly two decades.

Then she ran into her childhood companions, Esty and Dovid, who had been together, and the already awkward atmosphere was even more incomprehensible .

Several people deliberately avoided talking about the past at first

But love like a tide can't hold the valve at all. When they meet again, they exchange a few words at home, gesture to the wine at the dinner table , exchange glances, etc., everything feels so familiar.

Ronette talks back to her elders, Estie snickers

The seemingly non-existent diaphragm soon disappeared without a trace. The current between them is no stranger at all.

Even though their respective lives have had their ups and downs: Ronette hasn't settled on her father's legacy ; Esty teaches at school and is well-respected ;

Still nothing could stop the two from being guided in each other's direction .

After a brief run-in, the two let go of the heartbreak they had built up during the ten years they hadn't seen each other.

They kissed passionately, they talked about the opportunity for this reunion , about Esty's desire to contact Ronette, and so on, and so forth;

They talked about what happened in the past ten years - in fact, nothing major happened;

After the romance was discovered that year, Ronette was expelled and Esty was "treated"

The town rabbi persuaded her to marry a man so that her "mental disease" would be cured;

Esty chose to be submissive at the time and chose to marry her best friend, a good man.

And the joy of their reunion this time is always under the eyes of the residents of the town

Not only was Ronette at odds with the neighborhood , but Esty and Dovid's marital relationship never looked bright.

Both find no direction in this suffocating relationship

Esty can't really fall in love with Dovid - yes, Dovid is a good person, but "make do" can't make her happy;

Dovid can't make Esty fall in love with her - yes, he's a good guy, and there's nothing he can do, he can't make her happy .

Unlike Ronette , who has fled far away, Esty and Dovid are still very religious , and they still live under the stereotypes of Judaism;

They have dedicated their hearts and lives to Judaism , to their community , to family and friends , to each other .

And their ego, there is not much left.

Avoid everyone, they release their emotions with love and cover up their sadness

Estee, who has suffered from mental torture, was obviously forbearing even when the quarrel with Dovid broke out

Only in front of Ronette can she be fully herself

herself, who she wanted to be .

Facing the camera lens of Ronette, she smiled relaxedly, with a cigarette between her fingers, her eyes sparkling.

Now, she is a complete person .

She was able to pour, smile, scream, and moan freely . Everything she wants, at this time and here, she can get .

In front of other people, none of this can happen

Finally, the three people trapped in the love triangle face the facts and make a choice .

A run away, a heart-to-heart talk, a ceremony

The film starts out peacefully and ends equally peacefully.

Dovid's speech, the final parting, is a small pebble jumping on the calm lake .

But all along, to change everything Yi Sidi life, he sent Fengyun stones .

then i set you free

Let us all be free .

As for whether Esty and Ronette will end up going together?

The important thing is that they finally have the right to choose in their lives , and the new life has just begun.

Deviance, disobedience, for freedom

I remembered a line from the cameo role played by Ang Lee in [The Wedding Banquet] :

This kind of thing is traditional, and some aspects are really similar

The traditional Chinese way to release sexual repression , such as the presentation in [wedding banquet] , is to make a wedding banquet;

And let's look at the traditional Jewish cultural atmosphere in [Disobedience] , where do the protagonists' sexual repression go?

This film's release slow process, has not only a love aspect of the -

At the end of the hug, three people were released

This love triangle, standing on the edge of traditional morality , is not just a struggle between love and sex , but also a long journey to pursue freedom and self .

And this "disobedience" , not only Yi Sidi of "disobedience" , but three of them of "disobedience" .

[Disobedience] Based on British author Naomi Alderman 's debut novel of the same name published in 2006, the theme was highly controversial, but the novel was well received, and she also won the British "Orange Literary Award" that year. The Orange Award for New Writers and the 2007 Sunday Times Young Writers Award .

Alderman presents 'Disobedience' at Orange Literary Awards

She was born in London to Geoffrey Alderman, an expert on British Jewish history ;

Through environmental influences and upbringing, she became a strong advocate for feminism in her teens , and she has been a staunch supporter and champion of the women's movement throughout her life and career .

Her work, such as Power , which won the Baileys Women's Literary Award (formerly the Orange Literary Award) last year , is inspired by today's women's movement. She advocates for the empowerment of young women to accept themselves and evokes the same power in older women.

She disagrees with the ideology that men or women are superior to others, and she believes that all people should be treated equally . Her views and support for women's rights have had a huge impact on her life's work.

And "disobedience" of writing, but also to make her own choice reject the traditional Jewish life .

The creators at last year's Toronto Film Festival

Director Sebastian Lai Liao Prior to this movie, was won this year's Oscar for best foreign language film of [ordinary woman] .

It can also be seen that Lelio is very good at exploring the inner world of female minorities from the perspective of characters , creating such a delicate and subtle atmosphere of the film.

Rachel Weisz said in an interview that Estie was "trying to unify deep religious beliefs with her own sexual identity ." This story about forbidden love is a story about an individual who struggles to adapt , a journey of self-realization .

The two heroines on the set

Rachel McAdams was the first actress to see the script, and she felt right away that she understood and wanted to play Estie.

Weisz had been involved in the filming of Terrence Malick's film [To Wonderland] starring Rachel . The two met and worked together for a short day, but the two did not have much conversation at the time.

Vichy said, "I appreciate her work, she was able to control the scope and subtle degree , her honesty and sincerity , of course, she exudes on the screen light ." It turns out that their work is similar.

Before filming, both men were preparing privately, avoiding the intuition of analysis and debate on set and getting lost in the story while filming.

A chemical reaction is not something you can make - "it either exists or it doesn't"

With Rachel , Weisz said she found an instant sense of trust , an openness and vulnerability .

Rachel has great inner strength and conviction , and has a moral tenacity . " It's so easy to fall in love with her , and I think it's a miracle that she played Esty ."

The whole world thought so - Rachel's performance was 100 percent positive , and the nominations for Best Actress were especially loud at the beginning of awards season.

Rachel makes her debut at Tribeca Film Festival after giving birth to a boy this year

Rachel herself felt that there were too many reasons for her to take over the role. Every character in the script is so full , there are many things to do in life, they complement each other , and the triangular relationship between the protagonists is a new experience for her interpretation .

Similarly, she also mentioned the short-lived collaboration with Vichy : "It was quite interesting, and I always hoped that we could work together again, because she is such an extraordinary person - so I took this opportunity and really Get to know each other deeply.”

In order to Yi Sidi this role, she has done a lot of research .

Rachel on set

In all religions , there are many contradictions . In Judaism , groups are part of the religion, and there is a sense of unity that seems difficult to personalize within.

But when she digs deeper, she finds that this isn't true at all, it's just an outsider's point of view—individuals have a lot of contradictions and struggles . It was surprising to her that the Jewish community looked very different from when it was actually in it.

In Judaism, for example, women are honored , and mothers are honored , but in this worship, women must also sit separately from men during worship .

Rachel always all these contradictions feel confused and interested , she realized that there are many rules that you do not all need to follow, according to the orthodox view, you have to follow most of them - but not all .

This is life as Esty, either learn to accept it or reject it completely

Esty sometimes gets lost in it - there's not much wiggle room here, she has to choose a path;

But in the end, she found a middle ground , a loophole, a way of her beliefs. God gave her free will and she chose to disobey . She was still in her religion, but she chose to disobey .

"I wish you a long life and good health." I also hope that you will live for yourself once and go against your orders .


Text: YorkshireViking

The article comes from the WeChat public account: Movie Detoxification,

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Extended Reading

Disobedience quotes

  • [first lines]

    Rav Krushka: In the beginning, Hashem made three types of creatures, the angels, the beasts, and the human beings. The angels, He made from His pure word. The angels have no will to do evil. They cannot deviate for one moment from His purpose. The beasts have only their instincts to guide them. They, too, follow the commands of their maker. The Torah states that Hashem spent almost six whole days of creation fashioning these creatures. Then, just before sunset, He took a small quantity of earth and from it He fashioned man and woman. An afterthought? Or His crowning achievement? So, what is this thing? Man? Woman? It is a being with the power to disobey. Alone among all the creatures we have free will. We hang suspended between the clarity of the angels and the desires of the beasts. Hashem gave us choice, which is both a privilege and a burden. We must then choose the tangled life we live.

  • Esti Kuperman: Oh, Ronit...

    Ronit Krushka: Esti... When I saw you, I...

    Esti Kuperman: Yes, me too.