Resonate with Pixar

Kody 2022-03-24 09:01:33

The "Cars" series is about transcending oneself (to achieve the highest level of others), the "Toy story" series is about friendship, "Monsters" is about self-knowledge and transcendence, and "Wall E" shows us the purest love ever. and environmental stories. And my personal favorite, Ratatouille, is about breaking down barriers and achieving self-fulfillment. The story of the most released "Piper" in 2017 was about self-reliance, but the latest animation technology presented in the short film left me astounded and impressed.

This "Finding Dory" has touched me for a long time, and the characters in the play are full of personality and wonderful. The most rare thing is that the screenwriter and director fully respect the characteristics of marine animals (in the same vein as the first) to string together such a beautiful story, which makes me deeply intoxicated. As the DNA of this series, family affection also covers many resonating contents such as bravery, friendship, environmental protection and so on.

The reason why Pixar can be enjoyed by both children and adults (I like it more than my son) is suitable for the whole family to watch. It is very important to always tell a simple and most precious truth with a compelling story. The children saw the story and established a foundation of understanding of the world in their hearts. As the father of a two-and-a-half-year-old child, I am willing to bring these beautiful universal values ​​to him through watching movies together. And I constantly reflect on myself and refresh my mind every time I watch a movie.

As the soul of the film, the importance of the story is self-evident. Story and technology (presentation ability) should be two sides of the coin. Pixar is unbeatable in both respects, and is worthy of being the greatest animation maker of our time.

Thanks Pixar!

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Extended Reading

Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.