The first woman to orgasm naked on the screen, still makes you want to stop every day

Athena 2022-10-06 03:50:03

This article was first published on the public account "Detective", original articles are prohibited from being reproduced without permission.

There was news some time ago, which kept Xiaoying in mind.

In short, the goddess is going to play the goddess!

Gal Gadot , not much to say, from "Fast" to "Wonder Woman", everyone is fascinated by her long legs.

Who is Heidi Lamar?

This is a truly talented and beautiful woman!

She was "the most beautiful woman" of the black and white era , and even Vivien Leigh was proud to look like her.

Guess who this is?

She was the first on-screen porn star to go completely nude and perform an orgasm in a movie that shocked the Pope and Hitler.

She is a timeless fashion pioneer from the last century to the present , and "Sister Stone" Emma Stone once paid tribute to her in "Saturday Night Live".

Most importantly, she invented frequency- hopping technology , the foundation of modern CDMA, Wi-Fi, GPS, and military satellite systems, which is today worth about $30 billion .

Unexpectedly, the mother who gave me my second life (Wi-Fi) is so beautiful!

In an instant, I wanted to hold a loudspeaker and shout to the world:

You who are playing on your mobile phone at the moment, you must know and thank her!

This is not what Xiaoying thought, but Dave Mock , the vice president of Instream Partners in the United States and a senior engineer in the wireless communication industry , said in "Qualcomm Equation", which just spoke my heart.

Such a powerful character is more attractive than any film and television drama in itself.

Before the Wonder Woman version of Heidi Lamar comes out, we can see what the original version looks like.

Stunning: The Biography of Heidi Rama

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story

In fact, this documentary is a bit messy, but Xiaoying still wants to give 5 stars.

Not for anything else, just because it salvaged this stunner from the dust of history, washed away the splendor, put aside her beauty, and showed her talent and achievements that should have been dazzling like a diamond that the world had deprived of her ...

Xiaoying sorted it out for you to see...

What is this unknown Heidi Lamarr?

smart white rich beauty

Heidi Lamar, whose real name was Heidi Kiesler, was born in Vienna, Austria in 1914 .

His father was a bank director and his mother was a pianist.

As the only daughter of a rich, knowledgeable and tasteful Jewish family , her daily life is to play the piano, dance and watch operas.

Although the mother always wanted a boy, Heidi was not very satisfied.

But her father dotes on her very much, and also inherits his preference for technology to her.

Therefore, Heidi has shown something different from other Bai Fumei from a young age - love of science .

At the age of 5 , Heidi took apart an old-fashioned music box and put it back together again.

Her son showed the music box in the documentary.

Nearly a century later, the clockwork and mechanism are intact, and they can still emit crisp music.

Mom! At the age of others peeing and mud! Bow down to God!

Later, when she went to school, she was different from other girls. She liked chemistry class the most , got good grades in mathematics , and also studied communication engineering .

If she was an ordinary-looking girl, she might have gone on like this to become a female scientist in the end.

But her life was dictated by her beauty.


How beautiful was Heidi?

When she was a child, she would stop talking as soon as she walked into the room, and people called her "that horrible child" .

This is... the level of sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon and embarrassing flowers.

At 16 , Heidi decided to try her luck at the largest local film studio.

Without experience or skills, she was left without saying a word.

Without a doubt, look at the face.

In Heidi's early career, her acting skills were clumsy and young, but the beauty of a girl full of collagen was her most powerful weapon.

In 1933, the 18-year-old Heidi made a shocking film - "Crazy Head" .

It was this movie that made her the first actress in history to appear naked and the first actress to perform an orgasm in a movie.

At the time, this was the largest yellow videotape ever .

So alarmed the Pope and Hitler, and soon became a banned film.

But you know, the more you ban something, the more curious people become. Heidi became famous overnight because of this film .

During World War II, Austria fell, and Heidi fled to England, where MGM boss Louis Mayer took a fancy to her.

This person went to Europe at the time to buy these actors who escaped Nazi rule at a low price.

Heidi felt that the price was too low at the time and refused directly.

However, she quickly bought a ticket to New York with Louis Mayer, and has been dangling in front of her boss in tennis suits, swimsuits, and gowns .

As soon as she appeared, the whole ship stared at her , and the boss panicked: With such a charming beauty, wouldn't it be shameful for me not to sign?

As a result, Heidi, who did not speak English yet, successfully signed a contract with a price of 500 dollars a week , changed her name to Heidi Lamar, and became the headline of the day when she got off the boat.

Arrived in Hollywood, relying on her beauty, Heidi quickly received a movie "The Soul of the Cape" .

Charles Boyer plays the jewelry thief and Heidi Lamar is the jeweler.

After the film was released, she was on the cover of all Hollywood movie magazines .

Her hairstyle and makeup have become the objects that all actresses imitate .

Artists, directors, actors, celebrities, including Kennedy, became friends with her.

The goddess is so cute!

Later, she relied on a supporting role in "Prosperity Town" and achieved great success.

Although she has been in Hollywood for decades, what Heidi remembers is not only her beauty but also her beauty .

Although Heidi also wants to play a role that tests her acting skills , she has always been defined as a "coquettish bitch" because of the influence of the "Crazy Fascination" in her early years .

Even when she is nearly 50 years old, she can only play the exotic girl who charms all beings in "The Overlord" .

Heidi, who was troubled by the image of the "vase", said such a famous saying, which accurately expressed Hollywood's superficial attitude towards actresses at that time:

"Any girl can be attractive, all you have to do is stand there and look stupid."

Athena on Earth

When there was no major breakthrough in her career, Heidi slowly shifted her attention to other areas.

When other stars got off work and party, Heidi went home and was doing it! send! bright!

Heidi said that she was like an alien, and there was always inspiration running in her mind.

She once invented an "effervescent cola" , so that soldiers, workers and other people who are inconvenient to drink can drink cola anywhere.

She also worked with Howard Hughes, the largest aircraft manufacturer in the United States and the real-life prototype of "Iron Man's Father", to transform the shape of the aircraft wings .

As the war progressed, Germany was on the brink of victory, and many felt powerless.

But Heidi didn't want to stay on the island of Hollywood to make money. She wanted to do something to change the course of the war .

Heidi was inspired by a remote control device, the Filco's Box .

With pianist George Ansel, combine it with a player piano (the kind in Westworld).

Invented a secret communication method that allows the signal to be uninterrupted, uninterrupted, uninterrupted - frequency hopping .

At the time, the idea was endorsed by the Council of Inventors, a committee of real scientists, engineers.

They quickly realized the invention and issued a full patent certificate.

The patent was awarded to Heidi and George at the time, but they donated the invention to the state.

Athena on earth, it's just that.

imperfect wife

Heidi was married 6 times in her life , but never got real love.

The first husband was an arms dealer .

He was afraid of her beauty, did not want other men to see her, suspected her of cheating, and asked the maid to monitor her calls.

At that time she had everything except freedom.

As the war broke out, she drugged the maid and escaped like a prison break.

The second husband is a producer and screenwriter .

At that time, she could marry anyone, but she chose this fat man, and the fans were stunned.

But not long after the marriage, the fat man cheated on other beautiful actresses. In his eyes, Heidi was no different from other actresses.

He later married four more times, the longest being to an oil tycoon .

But this man is an alcoholic .

When Heidi's son was dying in a car accident, her husband was urging her to go to divorce court.

As a result, the lawsuit was defeated, and the man took everything away.

Although in the eyes of her friends, her husbands are not worthy of her.

But her children still want someone who can put aside appearances and truly love her.

While Heidi is not the perfect vase wife, she is the perfect single mother.

Just a method of teaching swimming is a hundred times more scientific than that of ordinary parents.

She felt that the inflatable cuffs on her arms were pointless, and the part that should float was her torso.

What a wise soul! It's a pity that many people only love her vase appearance.

perfect loser

Heidi Lamarr is a perfect loser.

Her perfection lies in her intelligence and beauty; her failure also lies in her intelligence and beauty.

Beauty brought her popularity , making her continue to film under the pressure of big studios.

To keep her awake, the studio brought in a "feel good" doctor to give her "energy."

He said it was a vitamin with special effects, but it was actually methamphetamine .

The drugs turned her into a monster, and that gentle and beautiful Heidi disappeared.

She invented frequency hopping, but no one believed it was her idea.

Some people think that this inspiration comes from her first husband's arms factory, and that Heidi is a female spy who seduces men .

At that time, the military did not want to use this technology, but drove Heidi to sell government bonds .

In the end, she actually went, and came up with an "auction of her own kiss" event, and finally raised the equivalent of $350 million through the tour.

After the war, the government confiscated her patent , believing it was an enemy invention.

Heidi said: "I don't understand, I'm not a foreigner when they tell me to sell bonds, and when I invent things for the country, I'm a foreigner?"

Her invention brought her nothing.

Even due to the failure of investment and marriage, Heidi could only rely on the actors' union and the Social Security Administration, with a monthly aid of 300 dollars.

And her cruelest enemy is herself.

The most important thing is that the world can't keep it.

In order to retain her beauty, Heidi underwent many cosmetic surgeries in her later years .

Even in cosmetic surgery, she is also a pioneer in many surgeries. How to do liposuction and how to hide scars in facelifts are all from her creativity.

It also caused a wave of female cosmetic surgeries.

It is a pity that no matter how powerful the operation is, there is nothing that can be done in the face of time.

Because people are cruel, they say: you were beautiful.

The press is even crueler, they will say: she's too old and ugly we don't even recognize her.

As a result, Heidi in her later years went into seclusion directly , not even wanting to see her friends and relatives.

In fact, she once won an award recognizing frequency-hopping technology, but she didn't want to be seen, and gave her acceptance speech through her son's tape recorder.

On January 1, 2000, she excitedly called her daughter and son and asked them to turn on the TV to see Austria and Vienna, which was the original hometown in her memory.

A few days later, she died.

Her story was not told after her death.

Even the origin of this documentary is a discarded tape found by a reporter in the corner of a trash can .

Heidi Lamar's talent was once overshadowed by beauty.

Just like her brilliance, once buried by the times and time.

There are so many goddesses in the world, but this stunner can never be copied.

Even the word "stunner" cannot reflect the meaning of "BOMBSHELL".

One last set of animations.

We can only look up at her through these images, across a long river of time.

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Extended Reading

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story quotes

  • [last lines]

    Hedy Lamarr - Self: [voice over] I'll read you something pretty. "People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered - love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, alternative motives - do good anyway. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds - think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight - build anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll be kicked into the teeth - give the world the best you've got anyway."