Would you sympathize with someone like him off-screen?

Idella 2022-03-23 09:01:26

Looking at it all the way, I can see that almost everyone except the male protagonist is stupid, retired policeman, stupid female policeman, stupid shop owner, madman, restaurant manager, waiter, and ex-wife. I think it is these indifferent people who make the poor man go. On the road of no return and hope that the male protagonist will start a happy life with his daughter in his arms. In the end, he retired from the policeman's solo, what he said. It really hurts to stand and talk without back pain! Silly! White lotus!

Then I suddenly remembered that my boyfriend said that his ex-girlfriend was not a bad person, but she was mentally abnormal and couldn't be alone, so after they broke up, she immediately returned to her ex-boyfriend and kept harassing her boyfriend because she was abandoned by her parents when she was a child. I despise these mental illnesses now! It was clear that she was using this to gain sympathy and needed financial support from men! How can slut say so confidently! Obviously no shame! I said that when I was a child, my parents often quarreled and the family was very discordant, and I was not crazy. There are so many people who have had worse experiences, and all of them are as crazy as her, right?

I realized that I was seriously double-standard. I don't know if the movie is too good for me to be too involved in the drama or in real life I am too dark to think about it, and what is the sympathy for the poor characters in the movie when it involves my own interests?

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Falling Down quotes

  • Captain Yardley: Lot of good cops want to drop the whole kit and caboodle. And who wouldn't? The pay stinks and your up to your ears in human scum sixteen hours a day.

  • Detective Keene: [Prendergast is turning down a stripper party to chase D-FENS] Jesus, Prendergast, what's your fucking problem? Are you afraid of women, too?

    Detective Lydecker: I don't blame him... have you ever met his wife?

    [Stunned silence]

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Sheepishly] What?

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Acting coy] Nothin'.

    Sandra: Prendergast, we don't have time for this!

    Sergeant Prendergast: Yeah, you're right!

    [Punches Lydecker and leaves the room]