In 2010, the comedy action animation film " Megamind | Megamind "
A less routine movie because the main character is a lovable villain
Although the story is ingenious and the starting point is very thoughtful, the characters are still relatively unattractive, but it is a fish that stands out. . That's all. .
The two sides of things have a very deep meaning. Children may not understand it, but they also complained about the views of many adults. The beginning of the movie is to spoof Superman. .
The poster is a bit out of reach, but it's not the same. .
The story as a whole is not bad, many small details and small ideas do not fall into stereotypes, and even now it seems that many plots are hard to guess. Lots of surprises.
Then. . There is also dog food in this movie~ Haha~ You can believe in love
By the way, that song LOVEING YOU amused me. .
---------------- I'm the Big Bad's dividing line ----------------------- --
Recommendation index: ★★★☆ (7/10 points), good casual animation, very good and very happy~
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