Irony, redemption

Wilfrid 2022-03-23 09:01:19

Very beautiful country music, the beautiful melody is intoxicating, can't help but hum a few words along with the tune, haha. It tells the story of redemption and self-redemption of three inmates who escaped from prison along the way. A liar, Avette, with the second group of criminals Pete and Dema, what the three experienced and heard after escaping from prison may seem exaggerated or even a little crazy, but the main thing is to show the power of faith. When the three finally came to the scaffold, they prayed sincerely and sincerely, and finally got God's favor. Just like Noah's Ark, they survived the flood, and at the same time fulfilled the words of the black old man (the prophet) at the beginning! ! !

Through the actors' exaggerated performances and exaggerated language, the main thing is to satirize the background - all kinds of sanctimonious people. The candidate for governor who seems to be close to the people is actually an evil organization similar to the "KKK", and his language is always attacking and hating "people of color"; his rival, the former governor, is not a good bird - a typical politician, for Use everything you can to achieve your goals. And George Nelson, someone who is easily excitable is sometimes full of passion, but when he reaches the top of every peak in his mind, he begins to feel extremely lost, feeling that everything is illusory.

Let's talk about prisoners, that is, "people of color" trapped in their inner chains. Since the IQ of Sanbao can successfully escape from prison, why don't they run away! Personally, I think it's not that I can't run, but that I don't have the concept of running. It's not as good as the son of Cousin Walsh in the play. At least that kid dares to: I - want - run! ! ! It may also be related to the general background. Prison guards are the law. Even the governor's words don't take it seriously. They are in charge of their own yamen, and the era of lynching is rampant! ! !

Finally, the figure of the old man appeared again, indicating that the road of redemption continues...! ! !

Choosing to redeem these three people, the old man should have seen the simple and kind hearts of the three people from the heart. Perhaps just as the three of them chose to accommodate Tommy at the crossroads of life, the essential kindness of the three of them has been reflected; and when they were stealing other people's pie, Dema put the money on the windowsill, and the three of them ran happily in the field middle. Compared with those so-called upper-level people or politicians, just based on these two actions, I don't know how many times more morally noble! ! !

Finally, I added a word of emotion, because there was a fragment in my impression a long time ago (when I was a student), which was the part of the cult ritual. Later, I couldn't remember where I saw it, and slowly only fragments of memory remained. I didn't expect it, I saw it here, after so many years, I was really excited for a while...

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O Brother, Where Art Thou? quotes

  • Delmar O'Donnell: Everett, I never figured you for a paterfamilias.

    Ulysses Everett McGill: Oh-ho, yes, I have spread my seed.

  • [Last Lines]

    Blind Seer: [sings] Oh, bear me away on your snow white wings to my celestial home