About war family growth and life

Vito 2022-03-20 09:03:00

The father, who was traumatized by the war, got along with his son as a last resort, and lived with his son for two weeks in a beautiful forest, and was inspired to create Winnie the Pooh.

The film begins to describe the trauma of the war on life, the differences between Mi and his wife, and later describes the famous Pooh and Christopher. Parents attach importance to career and ignore the growth of children. Later, after the nanny woke up, his father stopped related creations and sent the little male protagonist to an independent school. It seems that Winnie the Pooh, who seems to be happy for every family, is at the expense of the boy's growth. If you gain something, you must lose something. This is life.

I like the smiles of all the characters in it, so natural and real.

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Extended Reading

Goodbye Christopher Robin quotes

  • Daphne Milne: You know what writing a book against war is like? It's like writing a book against Wednesdays. Wednesdays... are a fact of life, and if you don't like them, you could just stay in bed, but you can't stop them because Wednesdays are coming and if today isn't actually a Wednesday it soon will be.

  • Christopher Robin Aged 18: There it all is. Just as I left it. As if nothing had happened.

    Alan Milne: When I came back, everything seemed wrong. I didn't fit anywhere. Until I came here. Those days with you... I wanted to keep them all. Put them in a box.

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: The things that I said before I left...

    Alan Milne: They were all true. You're here. That's all that matters.

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: In the desert, we were under fire... and one of the men started singing one of the hums of Pooh. He changed the words a bit, but...

    Alan Milne: [low chuckle]

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: You know. And I thought, "How on earth do you know that song?" And then I remembered...

    Alan MilneChristopher Robin Aged 18: Everyone on earth knows that song.

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: But I knew it first. It was mine before it was anyone else's.

    Alan Milne: Then I gave it away.

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: When they were singing, they were remembering. It was like a magic charm... it took them home to a fireside and a storybook. You did that.

    Alan Milne: [inhales] Thank you. I'm sorry you paid the price for it. If I'd known, perhaps I...

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: What? Not written it? No. You reminded people what happiness was... what childhood could be when everything else was broken.

    Alan Milne: But your own childhood.

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: Was wonderful. It was growing up that was hard.

    Alan Milne: [smacks lips] Who would have guessed that bear would swallow us up?

    Christopher Robin Aged 18: Exactly. This was all ours, wasn't it? Before it was anyone else's.

    Alan Milne: Yes. And it always will be.