She has bird tattoos on her hands, and she is like a long dream that she doesn't want to wake up from.

Ophelia 2022-03-22 09:01:43

The serpent coiled between his wrists, and the sludge marched through the hair gap. His voice was the vicissitudes left by being scratched by sandpaper, his skin was a shadow scorched by the scorching sun, every step he stepped carried the weight of the cross, and every breath he breathed out smelled clean and tired. He is a rootless wandering soul, and he is the notch knife of cutting dreams. But when he heard her name and laughed, he was as pure as a child.

When he was brought back to the world from hell by her, the light entered the crack, and he came to life again. It was not the sunlight that lit up his pupils, but her.

"If I get bitten a second time, the antidote will be more poisonous than the poison."

She was the antidote.

Beckoning under the afterglow, nostalgia and Shen Mi, with a boyish shyness. What's more, is the deep affection and sincerity that can't be melted away. Then he turned around, and the dream came to an end.

Turn around and say goodbye, you deserve a more perfect life

I would like to think of this film as a story between men.

A boy who tries to be a man, a man who still has a boy in his heart, an old man who has passed away, a cynical youth. And girls, it is a flower blooming in the mud, that flower sometimes leaks sweet and translucent poisonous honey, but it is still honey.

It's about growth and love, and it's about letting go. Finally, Madd put down the gun used to protect (others) and picked up the shirt used to protect (self). And the boy wandered around the gate of hell, adorned with a sip of love, and finally wiped the mist from the bottom of his eyes, knowing that the world is not black and white, and love does not only bring sweetness.

Failure is neither tragic nor shameful. Two boys on the Mississippi River accepted the pain and reality. One sailed out of the mud and looked at the sky. A mother who came to the city and looked at a happy mother smiled.

In fact, these pains, whether it is Ellis's parents, Ellis and the girl, or Jenifer and Mud, the reason for their occurrence, decorated with thousands of words is just a sentence "Love is not enough".

But so what?

There are still people who are willing to work hard, and there are still people who are willing to work hard.

Pain taught me to persevere, and love taught me to give up.

Believe that there is still love in the end.

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Mud quotes

  • Galen: I know I'm just your uncle, not a parent, but uh, you can tell me things if need to.

    Neckbone: I can tell you this helmet smells like my duck butter.

  • [last lines]

    Tom: [to Mud] Come on, son. You gotta see this.