choice and escape

Larue 2022-11-24 18:34:25

This is the first time I've watched a same-sex movie on the big screen. Although I've watched it for so many years, watching this movie at home will probably make me fall asleep like Manchester by the sea, but the location is still very important, even if Without the ups and downs of the plot, the ear-catching soundtrack, this is still a movie that makes me excited and can't help myself. Just a beam of light from the plane hit ronit in the face, and I've fallen!

The overall narrative of the film is very flat, and can even be described as dull. What impresses me the most is the kiss on the radio in the old house of ronit and esti and the escape from the street as if it was going to break everything. The kiss scene in the room was suppressed and undercurrent, the eyes of the two met from time to time, sultry and secretive, the hand of the other person who was close at hand could be held by walking through the familiar neighborhood, and they could no longer control the corner of the street. Live kiss. As long as the other party is around, what is the shackles of religion and people's suspicion? ! Under the lens of ronit, esti looks relaxed, natural, loving and fearless. She enjoys this moment, enjoys the blending of each other's body and mind, and her complete trust in ronit allows her to show herself without reservation. It's another side of her that even her husband has never seen before, and it's impossible not to fall for it.

I think the theme of the whole film is not just same-sex love, religious conflict, in my opinion, this is a proposition about choice. What kind of life do you want to live, what choices and compromises do you make when facing your feelings, relatives, lovers, and your own heart? Do you think you can't change the status quo and escape and start a new life of your own, or leave a brave voice , make an effort to gain more space for your inner voice, what choice will you have at the fork? Everyone is free to choose, before the other leaves . At the end of the film, both esti and ronit gave their own answers. Even if the two people who have loved deeply, did not choose to board the plane to New York together at this moment, who can guarantee that esti will not appear in the future with a baby. In front of ronit's apartment...

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Extended Reading

Disobedience quotes

  • [first lines]

    Rav Krushka: In the beginning, Hashem made three types of creatures, the angels, the beasts, and the human beings. The angels, He made from His pure word. The angels have no will to do evil. They cannot deviate for one moment from His purpose. The beasts have only their instincts to guide them. They, too, follow the commands of their maker. The Torah states that Hashem spent almost six whole days of creation fashioning these creatures. Then, just before sunset, He took a small quantity of earth and from it He fashioned man and woman. An afterthought? Or His crowning achievement? So, what is this thing? Man? Woman? It is a being with the power to disobey. Alone among all the creatures we have free will. We hang suspended between the clarity of the angels and the desires of the beasts. Hashem gave us choice, which is both a privilege and a burden. We must then choose the tangled life we live.

  • Esti Kuperman: Oh, Ronit...

    Ronit Krushka: Esti... When I saw you, I...

    Esti Kuperman: Yes, me too.