Spanish thriller "Bar" squeezes the chest like a propositional composition

Augustus 2022-11-29 20:03:04

In a small bar, there were more than a dozen people in it. A man wanted to eat bread with ketchup. He couldn't wait to leave. He was killed as soon as he went out. Not long after the start of the film, it started to "racing" unexpectedly. The later events told us that this is a movie that relies on everyone's guesswork to promote the development of the plot. The Spanish thriller "Bar" was first recommended by some WeChat giants. Compared with "Invisible Guest", this is a marketing tool. The thriller that tortures human nature in Spain has played too many tricks, such as "Dark Side" and so on. In fact, this kind of film is not very clever, it just seems to be more profound, what is the depth, through a mode, such as the secret room, choose a point, such as selfishness, and then let several characters show their humanity in the predicament, always To test human nature, it is inevitable to look a little unsunny and unhappy, and it seems a little profound, but does the real profound have to reflect the dark side? This is a question. Just like Korean crime films always love the black government, there are only a few deep films, and the rest are entertainment films. There are actually very few films like "The Furnace" and "The Defender". Movies that are more serious and question a social issue, and entertainment movies that are mixed with some things, are actually different, and you have to be able to distinguish them. "Bar" can't stand scrutiny, it's just entertainment, the director should play more "bizarre" and bolder. Judging from the footage of microorganisms and cells in the first minute or so, the director may want to say, in fact, people's fear is A part of one's own body, a cell. When fear, selfishness, and greed begin to spread and devour, just like when a person is sick, the sick cells will slowly spread and nibble away, and finally the disease is terminally ill and there is no cure. The dead man at the beginning of the film, let's call him the man who didn't eat bread and ketchup. After the man died, the rest of the people began to speculate randomly, especially the man who had been killed lying in front of the bar in a blink of an eye. It disappeared, and even the ground was clean. At this time, speculation began to be endless. Terrorists, viruses... and began to suspect each other. There is no mobile phone signal, there is only one mobile phone, a fat man suddenly appeared in the toilet, a police car came out of the door, a few policemen burned a pile of tires and left, the TV said that the area was on fire and the nearby residents had been evacuated. Why are you alone? I turned a blind eye to these people in the bar, and the people left after the death of the fat man in the toilet judged from the few words in his mobile phone text messages that there may be a virus and there are still four needles left in the fat man... These series of points are actually the contradictions in the development of the plot. , but the logic doesn't seem right. Although the director left a lot of unexplained slots, the audience seems to understand that there must be a problem here, no wonder a few people are there Endless guesswork. Among these people, the homeless man who recites the bible and says his lines is a key character. He seems to be bad, but he is not objectionable. He seizes the weaknesses of other people, constantly teases, and makes some difficult choices. The problem is left to others. Others have their own hobbies. They all choose their own attitudes and ways to deal with unknowable fears. This is selfish and shameless in the eyes of others, but in order to survive, you can't blame them. , in the face of survival, the moral position is untenable. Drill a very narrow sewer opening, and enter the sewer, the bar and the sewer, this is two consecutive confined spaces, the only man who walked out of the bar ahead of time is precisely the only one who was killed by unknown factors. At the end of the movie, the cause of the man's death was not specifically explained. Everyone could only vaguely feel that he might have died from a virus? Note that it is only possible. The others were all trapped, and died one after another, were killed by him, or were killed by "our own people" among these people, and the only one who came out was the beautiful heroine. After she came out, there were still people coming and going on the street, and the block behind her was still bubbling with black smoke, like a fire. Facing the people coming and going on the street, the hostess looked indifferent and fell into pain. It seems that this section of the sewer is like a propositional composition. Only by placing them in such a confined space can they be tortured. In fact, it is nothing more than finding an excuse to let the remaining few people hang up one by one. When you think about it, it's still quite boring. You test human nature like this, expose fear, and drive other shortcomings of people by fear, so that these shameful hobbies and temperaments are presented. It is immoral to expose the designed human nature, but the entertainment era , everyone just have fun, there is no need to think so much, right! This ending is not clever, maybe the director is limited by what he wants to express. This can be a bizarre, bizarre or even joking ending to elevate the ending of the whole movie, but after the director let the heroine get out of trouble, he was just on the street. I kept walking, I was thinking, in fact, the director meant you see, in fact, nothing happened in the whole world, it was just a small fire, if everyone didn’t make random guesses, if everyone didn’t fear. There is also a possibility that this is actually a virus infection... With the Spanish movie "Bar", I still want to complain about some WeChat and Weibo accounts about the commentary movies. These accounts are read 100,000+ every day. , they have serious spoilers and interpret their values. Some movies cannot be spoiled. What spoilers do you let others watch, to see the values ​​you have chewed? This kind of preconceived input is difficult to reverse in the later viewing process. And the understanding of film is like literary works. There are also many “XX Talking Movies” and “XX Movies XX” that specialize in movie commentary videos, interpreting many classic movies as something. People who do these are generally for attention and traffic, and they can’t help but make some movies that can attract audiences. The point of the plot is deliberately enlarged, and the initial emotion brought by the plot itself has been completely eliminated, which is not good. For example, this "Bar" was first recommended by many WeChat giants. The recommended slot turned out to be the beautiful heroine's chest. It used the title of an evil new media "If you only rely on taking off...", like this It's a kind of thriller, and it must not be spoiled. I hope everyone is serious about the love of the movie.

Bar (2017)
2017 / Spain Argentina / Comedy Thriller Horror / Alex de la Iglesia / Blanca Suarez Mario Casas

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Extended Reading

The Bar quotes

  • Nacho: What the hell's up with you now?

    Elena: I don't like being threatened.

    Nacho: [Holding a gun] Who the hell is threatening you?