Four Moons: Hesitant Sex and Love

Jordan 2022-11-19 11:05:47

Label: Home/2018-03-30 My rating: 8.5

Four Moons: Wondering what the moon is a metaphor for in Mexican culture? At least after watching the whole film, in my cultural context, the four stories have not been connected to the moon.

Four stories, four stages: youth, youth, middle age, old age, four states, facing sex, facing love, hesitation, crying, and sadism. Fortunately, the director showed warmth in his delicate interpretation.

The four stories are interspersed and told, and the editing and rhythm are well controlled. It does not make people feel chaotic, but makes people worry step by step with the deepening of the plot.

Teenager: When sexual consciousness begins to sprout, I feel overwhelmed and helpless, but just like the seeds in the ground will eventually grow green in spring, the warmth of the family will eventually make the buds thrive.

Youth: Like the mother of the youth, the mother of the youth protagonist also loves the child: No matter what you are, I love you. The mother hugged the male protagonist, and when the male protagonist burst into tears, she thought of herself. Mother's love is so fraternity, and the mother's harbor is so warm.

The young partners met after ten years apart, and the love spread between the two. The one who loves boldly, the other who wants to love but does not dare to love, realizes the fear of his true self, so he chooses to escape, but escape not only can't solve anything, but also makes people fall into another kind of pain, but love finally overcomes fear, they Boldly and generously together. In fact, coming out of the closet is really not as difficult as I thought. Didn't the mothers of the two young people accept it? Of course, the mother may be caught off guard, but after all, she loves you.

Middle-aged: Ten years of emotions, there are many differences, but they are still together for ten years. Ten years of itch, when one party cheats, only to find out that the other party still loves so deeply. Forgiveness again and again, and humble petitions again and again, are still no match for that fatal attraction. Do we need such a twist and an accident to make us more sure that we must be together in the future?

Old age: A decent old professor with a happy family, but is attracted to a male prostitute in the bathroom. Buy a piece of happiness with a piece of money, and exchange a piece of poetry for another kind of warmth. Some things, don't let your family know in your whole life, the truth is a hundred times crueler than the cover-up reality, why should the peaceful reality be torn apart.

While admiring other countries for making such excellent gay films, I feel deeply saddened by our country's films. How dare you talk about the emergence of same-sex movies in a country where you can't even show nudes on the screen? History seems to be progressing, but over the years, the rhythm seems to be two steps forward and one step back. The road to comradeship in China is arduous and long. Fortunately, the legalization of same-sex marriage in 20 or 30 countries around the world at least gives people the hope that "good things will happen eventually".

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