This narcissistic preaching is disgusting

Anya 2022-09-03 18:13:00

Everyone in the movie is abnormal, except the unemployed black man

And this kind of abnormality is not "abnormal" in the sense of the real world, but a person who cannot have such a role in real life. After reading it, I feel that the screenwriter has regarded it as a fool.

In reality, there are extreme people, so-called "abnormal people", but such "abnormalities" must have normal reasons for them to be "abnormal". You can be born abnormal, you can be abnormal because of physical reasons, you can be hit by events psychologically because of abnormal reasons

But for the host in the movie, he said that the death of two people in front of him made him have a psychological barrier, and then inexplicably saw the little girl practicing synchronized gymnastics, as if seeing something beautiful, and agreed to do this show, but gave The reason given is not to let people "die for money", but to let people "die with value", and then inexplicably ask everyone to donate money during the live broadcast, and blatantly encourage others to commit suicide for money on the show... Putting aside the values Evaluation, but is this Mori logic? I'd make sense if you made him a show-rate mercenary from the start (like "Money Monster"), but you have to add drama to the character's psychology, and have a car suicide there. Blackening, come to a turning point, but I'm sorry I didn't see a turning point, I only saw logic slammed into the wall...

So did the producer. At first, he was worried that the male protagonist's sister would call her immediately, but later agreed to let her commit suicide on the show

The audience in the movie is even more abnormal. You say that the audience is satisfied with their curiosity and likes to see me and believe. You say that the audience is a Virgin who is sympathetic. While looking forward to seeing how the dead Fasen will die, he took out his mobile phone and donated with love... Excuse me? I have never seen so many split personalities, and I have never seen so many splits.

Anyway, everyone in the movie is abnormal, except for the unemployed black people

The director reserved the only "normal-looking" role for himself, a black man at a low point in society, but the role was at the very top of morality from the start (there's nothing wrong with working hard and honestly). The most innocent of anything), and then at the climax of self-salvation and sublimation, and then criticizing everyone except him (what are you looking at, you abnormal people) The character's psychological transformation is reluctantly convincing, But in order to make a normal person and make everyone else abnormal, so the only normal person became the savior, scolded you group of sbs, and got your applause and cheers, and then patted the male protagonist sb shoulders, drifting away. OK, you have completed the redemption, you have passed the drama addiction, the subject matter may be novel and bold, the theme may be profound, but the technique is shoddy

Whether you want to be ironic or metaphorical, you have shown that you want to preach, the alienation of human nature by the entertainment industry in the information society, the money worship in the consumer society, the family affection, the value of life, OKOK, we all get it

but we are not the same audience as the sb audience in the movie

Movies can be realistic, absurd, bloody, or didactic

But not everyone can be a director. You should go back and play your poison king.

Such a chaotic logic, a plot full of loopholes, and a majestic posture at the end, a condescending preaching, makes people feel that their IQ is insulted and also disgusted.

What a pity the appearance of Duhamel and Fu Lanlan

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