Some guesses and character judgments set by Korov aliens

Karl 2022-03-26 09:01:02

This is the first film review I wrote. The writing may not be very good, but just feel free to take a look. After all, there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people, right... Well, let's go back to the movie. First of all, before going to the movie, I have roughly turned over other evaluations. Then I started watching this movie based on some understanding of the plot. Those who already know the plot and don’t want to watch it, just jump to the middle.

The story of the movie itself is relatively simple. At the beginning, the heroine quarreled with her boyfriend and collected her things and left. On the road, her boyfriend was harassed by phone calls and then there was a car accident. , Uncle). Then the heroine fell into a coma, woke up and found that she was in the basement, and then the basement master uncle appeared on the scene. Tell the heroine that the outside is poisonous. Then the appearance of the repairman guy confirmed the uncle's statement. The hostess naturally didn't believe it, and tried her best to escape. The sudden appearance of a woman with poisoned soy sauce confirmed the uncle's statement. The next step is naturally a short period of peace. Then there is the problem of air filtration facilities. The smaller female protagonist climbed over and found that the uncle was the secret of the murderer, and then the joint plumber deliberately escaped from the room and seized the gun to control the uncle. Then the uncle's detection killed the plumber. Then the heroine was forced to fight back and escaped successfully, and then realized that the air was okay, then the flammable and explosive alien appeared, and finally the heroine blasted the alien's spaceship with a bottle of red wine. Drive away and listen to other survivors’ radio...and the story is over.

The plot is not complicated, but the two reversals are very interesting. Uncle bad guys...Uncle good guys...Uncle or bad guys...Uncle was right. These other film reviews should have said it, so I won't repeat it. What interests me is the world view of this world and the psychological analysis of the heroine, uncle, and plumber.

Then there is the analysis of the three.

First of all, from the whole story, the heroine has suffered domestic violence since childhood. Judging from the panic when receiving things at the beginning, it is speculated that when the heroine and her boyfriend quarreled, the man might have done something. Then she should belong to a sensible woman who is critical of everything. Then it also lights up a powerful skill that can keep calm in a panic. This can be seen from two details. First of all, when preparing to control the uncle and escape, the uncle guessed the fan to intimidate the plumber with tactics. The plumber was already scared, and the heroine could think of the correct answer in a tense atmosphere. When I think back to playing Idiom Solitaire, I feel ashamed that my brain gets stuck when I count down. The second detail is that the hostess finally lit the bottle and threw it into the spaceship chrysanthemum? At that time, most people probably couldn’t think of this magical self-rescue method. Even if they think of it, they may not be able to calm down until they see the spaceship chrysanthemum until it can be safely thrown in before hitting a hit. Most of them are lost at a distance. Bar.

Then there is the magical uncle. For the uncle’s words, I think it’s not entirely a bad person. First of all, when the heroine’s car was knocked over, he was willing to take the injured heroine home even though he believed it was the end of the world, and then took in the plumber who ran over. If there is no guarantee for this kind of material, one more person will get an extra ration. Since the uncle can prepare the basement wisely, it is natural not to know this truth. From this point of view, the hostess and plumber's benefactor is no problem. Then there is the girl in the photo, who personally thinks it is a substitute for the uncle’s daughter, who was arrested. First of all, the ventilating chamber is locked to the inside, and the uncle’s body shape is obviously not allowed to enter. So who will be the locker? How did the girl in the photo know the existence of the ventilation chamber? Leave help there. Then the thing may be that the girls often come to the uncle to help the uncle deal with the problem of the ventilation opportunity card. After a conflict occurs later, the girl escapes to the ventilation room, and finally can't bear the hunger, and returns to the basement. Then was killed by the uncle? From the perspective of the whole story, the uncle belongs to the kind of person with very strong desire for control and withdrawn personality, who has a lot of knowledge and skills. Observation is also pretty good. The killing is decisive, but the moral boundaries are not clear and it is very dangerous.

The last one is the plumber for the whole process of soy sauce. He believed what the uncle said, and he believed what the hostess said. The judgment ability needs to be improved. One year's food can also be spoiled, which is more careless. Whenever I encounter something, I get scared and panicked, just thinking about escaping from reality. But with a strong sense of justice, he realized that the uncle might be a murderer and planned to control him, and he was very manly to take responsibility for the heroine in front of sulfuric acid. Although she died in the end, she left a chance for the heroine. Just like most of us ordinary people. In summary, they are pretty powerful.

Next is the world view that interests me the most, especially the setting of aliens.

I am here to speculate about the technology tree lit by aliens and the countermeasures of the earth. The first is the initial power outage, which is undoubtedly caused by aliens, that is, black technology that can control the earth’s electricity on a large scale, and then a burst of red light appeared in the sky as the plumber said, and the uncle’s first destroyed the dense The city, then, from the road there is no damage, there is no radioactive dust in the sky, it is speculated that the people on earth have not yet started nuclear bomb countermeasures. Then the weapons of aliens should be biochemical or viral. Spaceships are similar to creatures. The only alien who appeared did not use high-tech weapons to attack the heroine, but simply physical combat. It can be inferred that it should be a biochemical combat weapon, that is, it is a weapon in itself, equivalent to an alien hunting dog. Then, the real aliens have not yet appeared. Generally speaking, the biotechnology tree is very good. Then, being able to reach the earth over a long distance...shows and lights up the long-distance interstellar travel technology. Then the biggest weakness is fire, and the first thing to control is coastal electricity. It is speculated that the original planet is a liquid planet. The purification of marine organisms, coupled with the black technology of controlling electricity, may be a kind of electrically charged organisms in the sea, such as electric eels or something? Then, the movie has already clearly told us that the weakness is the flame. Then it may be the battle of various incendiary bombs. Then speculate that the water is the battle base, and the sky is the frontline base. The giant spacecraft lit by lightning at the end may be the frontline base of operations. Then humans can use radio to communicate, maybe a bureau. Because aliens were able to avoid satellite surveillance before this, it is speculated that they may have unlocked stealth technology or advanced information blocking technology. From the point of view that there was not much support after the battle was discovered, there was a shortage of manpower, or advanced communication technology had not been developed. Sum up. The victory of mankind lies in the rapid exchange of information, and then the fatal flaws in the enemy's technology have been discovered. The failure side lies in the large-scale control of electricity and the disadvantage of biochemical technology. Of course, the level is limited and the above are all speculations, everyone just watched Le... (*^ワ^*) Haha. Those who are interested can discuss together. Just like it if you think it's good.

Overall, a pretty good movie. If you like to watch the plot reversal, you can see: Make a Dawn. Those who like this kind of basement closed struggle can see: isolation. They are all pretty.

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10 Cloverfield Lane quotes

  • Howard: [the three friends are playing charades in the shelter] I'm always watching.

    Emmett: Uh, God...?

    Howard: [solemnly] I know what you're doing. I see everything.

    Emmett: [faltering] Wha... uh, uh...

    Howard: I see you when you're sleeping! I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!

    Emmett: ...Um...

    [Emmet and Michelle stare at each other nervously]

    Howard: [seemingly going into a fit] I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO! I SEE EVERYTHING YOU DO! I'M ALWAYS WATCHING!

    Emmett: Uh, Howard...?

    Michelle: [blurting out] Santa Claus!

    Howard: [suddenly calm and cheerful] ... Yeah, Michelle! Except it was Emmet's turn, not yours. I'm claiming five points.

  • Howard: One chance to answer with some dignity or I swear you're going into this barrel while you're still alive to feel the pain!