How to take baby to see duck

Vallie 2022-03-09 08:01:29

Whether the book is good or not, you can tell from the beginning.

Like Xiao Hong's "Biography of the Hulan River", the beginning of the description of the cold winter:

When the severe winter blocked the earth, the earth was full of cracks. From south to north, from east to west, several feet long, one zhang long, and several zhang long, they have no direction, they can go anywhere and anytime, as long as the severe winter arrives, the earth will split open. "

Qian Zhongshu's "Besieged City" describes the sunset:

The Red Sea had long passed, and the ships were sailing on the Indian Ocean, but the sun set and rose unforgivingly, occupying most of the night. The night is like a paper soaked in oil and becomes a translucent body; it embraces the sun and cannot be separated from it. Maybe it is intoxicated by the sun, so the night after the sunset glow fades is also red. "

Cao Wenxuan's "The Grass House" describes the little boy Sang Sang:

He sat on the roof ridge, and Yau Ma Tei Primary School all jumped into his eyes for the first time. The white clouds in autumn are as gentle as floes, and the dead leaves of the sycamore are falling flickering in the autumn wind. The boy, Sangsang, suddenly felt that he wanted to cry, so he whimpered softly.
Early in the morning tomorrow, a large wooden boat will carry him and his home away from here before he wakes up in Yau Ma Tei - he will forever bid farewell to this golden grass house that accompanies him day and night…”

The same is true for movies. If the opening is not attractive, the probability of a movie hitting the street is too great.

At first glance, the opening of "Mama Duck Duck" is very beautiful.

The picturesque autumn lake, the reeds swaying in the sunset, and the orderly flight drills of geese.

The fineness and recognition of the picture and even the pattern are very different from the domestic animation in the impression.

"For thousands of years, geese have been able to soar in the sky every year and migrate smoothly."

At the beginning, I directly point to the topic, which is a story in the process of the north-south migration of the geese.

Suddenly I remembered what Sima Qian said in the Records of the Grand Historian, "The eagle flies high, and he can fly a thousand miles in one fell swoop."

Presumably flying is the ultimate dream that humans of all ages want to pursue.

The magnificent scene can let children into the play from the beginning.

My daughter is just 3 years old. It was the first time I took her to see a movie. When I chose "Mama Duck Duck", I was very nervous. What is this animation like: the setting of the picture, production, and values, and will it be too adult-like? plot. I was very worried that my daughter would not be able to sit still and was making a fuss about going out. It would be embarrassing when she came to the movie theater, so she carefully chose the seat next to her.

As a result, my daughter didn't even bother to eat popcorn.

The color of the whole film is very vivid, and the picture quality can be rated five points.

The storyline, as an adult, although you can guess the ending in one second, you can't guess the process~

The character setting is also very pleasing, the pitiful father Dapeng and the naughty pit father and sister Duck have simply spoken out the hearts of all middle-aged women, young husbands and heartbroken children. Ten thousand slots can spit.

Most of the parents brought their children to watch in the theater, and the arrangement of laughing points is very compact. Basically, it can be said that they laughed from the beginning to the end.

To avoid spoilers, I won't go into details.

It also contains some slightly profound lines:

When some cool and arrogant Dapeng was abandoned by the team because he refused to accept the arrangement, the slow and philosophical tortoise taught it: "If you always regard life as a game. You will miss a lot of people, those who love you, People who care about you, lovers and relatives, you will be the only one left in the end."

Dapeng sighed, "Raising children is the hardest thing. They always haunt you, cling to you, as if you are everything to them."

Hen Chunjiao said, "I'm really worried about when he will grow up." Rooster Zhiming said, "Don't worry, they will grow up." Hen Chunjiao gave him a stern look and said, "I'm not talking about ducklings."

The red-crowned crane brothers, who have a celestial temperament but speak a dialect, the squirrel god who is good at traditional Chinese medicine and speaks a stand-up cross talk, and the cock Zhiming, who is arrogant to the outside world and strict with his wife, all of the supporting roles are very good.

The bad review of the villain cat is too scary for children. It is recommended that parents who take their babies to see them hold their children tightly when the cat appears. The worst time the cat was hacked, although it looks fake for adults, the shadow is still very deep for children, so that our children's first impression of cartoons is that there is a bad cat in it ,too frightening. The evil cat is a little too distracting.

There is also a very Chinese character in the film: the duck driver.

Wang Zengqi wrote about chasing ducks:

"Duck farming is a very hard thing. Ask the duck breeder, what is the hardest thing?" There are singing, gongs and drums, and the breath of people. Raising ducks is a kind of freedom, a kind of exile, and a kind of wandering. Early in the morning, the genius was white, and he supported a shallow boat with only one person, called "Duck Slipper" , with a bamboo pole in his hand and a straw or a broken fan on its head, he left the village and went into the vast waters. After a day's walk, he came back when it got dark. Wearing a mink jacket on a rainy day, the sun is shining brightly. Wear a hat, and bring an extra piece of clothing when it's cold." There wasn't even a single person to talk to.

And the film also shows this kind of mood very well. There is never a front-facing duck driver, a lonely duck driver.

Although the duck catcher is a supporting role among the supporting roles in the film, there is no face and no lines, but the character characterization is also well done.

It is the animation scene that is highly recommended, which really combines oriental aesthetics and special effects.

The scene that appears inside: the majestic Great Wall

Zhangjiajie, Hunan, which is also the location of Avatar and Journey to the West

I think this section of terraced fields is beautiful~~

It can be seen that the director is not only a foodie, but also a traveler.

Dear parents, this is definitely a good opportunity to explain the knowledge of geography and geomorphology to the great country of the motherland.

In addition, be prepared for your child to ask questions:

Why do geese fly south?

Every autumn, the cold climate in the north is no longer suitable for geese to survive, and the geese fly to the warm south

Why do geese fly in a herringbone pattern? (I remember that there was a popular science essay about geese in the primary school Chinese, this is the test site)

Herringbone flight reduces wind resistance, saving energy on the journey

How did the geese determine the direction in the process of flying south?

The geese can tell the direction by the geomagnetism, the sun and the stars, as well as the wind direction and temperature.

In short, a very sincere domestic animation, although it has shortcomings, it is still worth recommending.

Domestic animation films need to be promoted and encouraged, and someone needs to infuse their dreams. If all dreams are lost, we will not be able to create anything.

Hope the original force animation can do better and be a big dream duck!

(The box office has completely collapsed, the storyline is weak and there is no value. It is better than the quality of the movie in the theater. It is selfish and non-objective and neutral experience when taking children to watch it.)

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Duck Duck Goose quotes

  • Peng: I can't fly with the kids, hahaha. They're childish.