Is it humane to investigate Captain Sully?

Hoyt 2022-03-24 09:01:34

This documentary-like film tells the story of how Captain Sully saved 155 people and became a hero. When the actual footage of the ending was shown, it was as if we were passengers, moved by Captain Sully's heroic deeds.

So whether ntsb's questioning of Sally in the film is correct or not, many people think this is ironic. Sally is a hero and he should not be questioned. Then we imagine what if he failed. A lot of people say there is no if, and things have already happened. We can imagine the Titanic, the captain also has many years of sailing experience, making him overconfident and neglecting the iceberg. In fact ntsb's approach is not aimed at Sally, but to pursue a correct system, we should follow the standard. If you don't carry out a root cause test for this incident. Then in the next air accident, the captain will handle the problem in his own way and ignore the command. What will happen to the risk of future air accidents? Not everyone has the judgment of Captain Sally. It's like being a soldier in a war, obeying orders comes first. In Bright Sword, Li Yunlong disobeyed the orders of his superiors many times, but he also succeeded many times. Success is indeed due to his talent, but this kind of disobedience is not encouraged.

This miracle was accomplished when Captain Sally dared to question the command, had the consciousness to die and survive, relying on years of experience, and was willing to make this decision at the expense of the entire aircraft. Without this kind of determination, courageous people often have indelible effects due to their own mistakes, so it is necessary to question Captain Sully, and the final results of the experiment also justified the captain's name, and everyone is happy.

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Sully quotes

  • [last lines]

    Elizabeth Davis: [At the NTSB investigation proceedings] First Officer Skiles, is there anything you'd like to add? Anything... you would have done differently if you... had to do it again?

    Jeff Skiles: Yes. I would've done it in July.

  • Sheila Dail: [cabin crew chanting] Brace brace brace! Heads down! Stay down!