Humans, wake up, you are not the only one on this earth

Casey 2022-11-11 12:28:51

Compared with smog, coral is too far away from people's urban life, and it is not far enough to be discussed. Can't see it anyway.

But corals are also influencing weather changes, climate change, oxygen levels. Coral reefs are also the source of life for the seafood that humans eat, food and income for more than 500 million people. Our culture, way of life, and economy all depend on healthy coral.

The breakwaters created by coral reefs are better at protecting us from tsunamis than those built by humans.

The global warming you feel, the temperature rise, is already the feeling after the ocean has absorbed 93% of the temperature, otherwise guess what the surface temperature is now? Human body temperature rises two degrees for a long time, which is life-threatening. What about corals?

Over the past 30 years, the planet has lost 50 percent of its coral. There are still many unknown things that can bring infinite benefits to human society, and may have died before they have been discovered.

If we let global warming continue, we will lose this entire ecosystem. If we can't save corals now, then what will be threatened in the future? What about oxygen? Or what about humans themselves?

Although human beings are the overlords of the earth in the current era, there are more than just human beings on earth.

ps, I can’t control others, all I can do now is to reduce carbon emissions, do not use plastic bags for shopping, and count less, even if I use 3 plastic bags for shopping a week, I will save 156 plastic bags in a year. ?

On my next dive, I don't have to worry about what kind of fish to see, I want to see as many corals as I can. There is also a drop of sunscreen that can kill a piece of coral, and it will fall off even if it is water-proof and soaked in the sea. If you are really afraid of sunburn, you should soak it for a while less. Let our children see the beauty of coral with their own eyes, otherwise it may be really extinct in 25 years.

These are the corals of Indonesia, Bali, Tulamben, and they may not look like this again.

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Chasing Coral quotes

  • Andrew Ackerman: They say it's one of the rarest events in nature happening and everyone's just oblivious to it. And you can't blame them for it, it's just almost typical of all of humanity. - Andrew Ackerman, Chasing Coral