poet in a bar

Janiya 2022-11-28 03:21:00

"The Night Is Not Quiet" shows the concept that the police are not necessarily good people, the robbers are not necessarily bad people, and the derailment of old men and girls is not necessarily wretched.

The robber boss, the old doctor, could have escaped easily, but he was arrested after two or three minutes of delay in order to watch a young girl dancing in the tavern. This made him not only look upright and reliable, but even a poet at heart.

Dix, who is considered to be a rogue, is actually very strong, and he never forgets his hometown.

Emmrich, who cheated with the girl, will do anything for money, but when he is in danger, he is very calm and cultivated, so as to appease the frightened girl.

The movie does not punish evil and promote good, it even shows the rigidity and rigidity of the "good" of the police chief, who only knows right and wrong. And the world is so complicated and people are so rich and multifaceted.

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Extended Reading

The Asphalt Jungle quotes

  • Lt. Ditrich: Somebody saw him here. I don't know who. Maybe you got a fink around.

  • Cobby: I'll tell them about the juice you've been getting.

    Lt. Ditrich: The only thing you're doing is making me sore.

    Cobby: Once I start singing, I won't stop. They'll jug you right alongside of me.