Life has raped you all.

Jude 2022-09-04 13:53:12

There are no virgins within these walls, because life has fvcked you all. To be honest, this line is probably the only thing I got from watching this movie. From 2008 to 2018, it was exactly 10 years, and I was able to endure from the second to the third. If you still insist on watching the fourth part, you should be chasing it from the first one The version of "The Hunger Games" After the second film without Jason, the screenwriting and shooting quality of the film have seriously declined, from an excellent commercial blockbuster to a "Rage"-like R-rated film of no return (not the black "Rage"). "Heart Attack", just take Jason's famous R-rated film as a chestnut) From the third part, I only seem to see blood, violence and pornography, and there is no good connection between the series of movies, and the order is very messy. I thought that the "Death on Speed" series, which lasted for two years, would be enough to finish a trilogy, and the money for this movie would be circled here. Anderson and Tony Giglio co-wrote the script to take the series of bad films to new heights. Whether you have seen the first "Death on Speed" or not, it is best not to watch this "Death on Speed ​​4" and If you haven't watched the first one, it is recommended to watch the first one, don't watch the last three, don't watch the last three, and don't watch the last three if You've already seen it, one less is one less

The original text was posted on my personal public account: Strawberry and Chocolate (ID: MeetBryan) I will update film reviews, photography works, etc. from time to time, welcome to come and play with me

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Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy quotes

  • Baltimore Bob: [Lists has just explained Carley's criminal history to Gibson] She's an ex-cheerleader

    Connor: Ex-porn star

    Lists: Ex-actly

    Baltimore Bob: Never did a day's work vertical.

  • Lists: [Lists is describing Gibson to Goldberg for Baltimore Bob] Connor Gibson. In for felony... whatever. Two counts, six counts, who's counting? He's in here with the rest of us. I wish I had a few more b-bullet points for you, but he's a question mark.