This ending is really shocking

Monique 2022-09-04 12:39:22

In fact, the front is very boring. Except for the tits and BB

, the ending really surprised me

. If there is no king, then he will be in chaos.
Like the old black man said, they follow what they think The king, not the one who defeated him, these people need followers and beliefs,

so the protagonist finally shoulders this heavy responsibility, puts on a mask, and continues to maintain the peace of this place.

Personally, I feel like a hero!
And the last shot is also very good. The action of wearing the mask is heavy and slow. After putting on the mask, the backlight plays, highlighting his greatness.
There is also the last shot, after getting off the car, watching those people continue to revel, just These shots are already amazing

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Extended Reading

Death Race 4: Beyond Anarchy quotes

  • Baltimore Bob: [Lists has just explained Carley's criminal history to Gibson] She's an ex-cheerleader

    Connor: Ex-porn star

    Lists: Ex-actly

    Baltimore Bob: Never did a day's work vertical.

  • Lists: [Lists is describing Gibson to Goldberg for Baltimore Bob] Connor Gibson. In for felony... whatever. Two counts, six counts, who's counting? He's in here with the rest of us. I wish I had a few more b-bullet points for you, but he's a question mark.