It's really bad compared to the first one

Dorothy 2022-10-13 16:41:52

Compared with the first one, it is really unsatisfactory, and it has completely turned into a clichéd plot.
The male protagonist grows corn, but is always pecked by crows. He found a scarecrow in the dark grid. This thing can actually bring the male protagonist wealth and direct wealth, but the premise is that the male protagonist's family will die. There is not much new idea, and there is a little XXOO
scene in order to attract attention = = The worst part that makes me think is that the little girl in the film has never been introduced clearly. This character who could have been a suspense turned into a A stumbling block, redundant.
Recommended Index: 4
Horror Index: 5

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Messengers 2: The Scarecrow quotes

  • [last lines]

    Lindsey Rollins: [repeatedly] Michael

    Michael Rollins: [repeatedly] Lindsey

  • [first lines]

    Miranda Weatherby: JUDE! I'm so sorry