Movies have to be made, not what you think of

Merritt 2022-03-21 09:01:15

4 star film, give 5 star because many people say that the idea is very good, there are too many bugs, it is easy to be faked and die halfway, but I want to say, this is a movie, and I don’t give you clues from beginning to end to reason about the truth. In the movie, it’s easy to think of those "bugs", but it’s too awesome if they are filmed.

CRS spends huge sums of money to hire actors, purchase props, and buy dragon suits. Is there no protective measures and emergency treatment?

At the beginning of the game, all the things the audience sees are seen by the protagonist. From his perspective, he believes the whole situation more and more, and the audience is more and more entangled in true and false. Every employee is pushing The normal progress of the game script, while preventing accidents.

If you give you so many clues to prove that there are protective measures, then the audience is still entangled in the fart, and they must start to babble in the middle: Rub! Fake hey! Don't watch hey! Mentally handicapped movie Hey!

You said what if what happened, what if what happened, but if what you said didn't happen, Nick chose the if he chose in the movie. If you develop according to your own ideas, then crs is another solution, that is, another story and another movie. Here is an example that I struggled with at the beginning: If Nick forgets to bring the shaker and is holding a tragedy underwater, then there will be "actors" who will go into the water to rescue him, thus gaining trust and guiding the development of the plot. Does the director have to make all the comments in the comment area to be a good movie? Then just shoot the TV series.

If you say, that should allow me to find more protective measures or clues to guide the normal development of the game script during the game, but at the same time it seems to be clues to the surveillance and pursuit of criminal gangs, until the truth is finally revealed. It's the former, this is amazing. Yes, I agree. There are also blank pistols in the movie, such as "Private Detective". If the film is everywhere, and the plot is compact, and it is perfectly processed within two hours, I will give it 6 points for this movie. To give another example of the shaker, someone should be arranged in advance to remind him to bring the damn life-saving shaker—how to remind him is the screenwriter’s business, you don’t care, yes, you don’t care, you know that only this arrangement, How much plot is needed to make you realize at the end and not make it seem so abrupt at the time? There are such awesome movies, please spit in the comment section, but don’t forget to recommend them to me.

As for the deep-seated things, ordinary people like me who only want to be lively don't care much. Asking about his father’s life, selling the watch, jumping off the building, or reflecting on the relationship with his ex-wife, can this game change Nick’s psychology and three views? I don’t know. A two-hour movie I’m afraid not. It’s a few days and nights. It is estimated to be difficult by accident, but the movie is always condensed, always symbolic, always opening a certain window for the audience to watch, and the scenery outside the window is not as big as the window.

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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