one of my most familiar movies

Annabelle 2022-03-23 09:01:28

(Written at the front: This is a running account, in order not to waste your time, it is recommended not to read)

Today, I am at home with a bad cold. I remembered the scene where Meg was unemployed and caught a cold at home, so he turned it over and watched it.

This clip is the beginning of Hanks finally realizing who is his true love, breaking up with his ex-girlfriend, and starting to get in touch with Meg, making Meg gradually increase his affection for him. It is the beginning of all warmth, the most beautiful part of every love, before piercing the window paper, touching, warming up, hinting, every look is so beautiful. Most of the current love is missing this paragraph, which is a pity.

I love this movie so much, so much. This is, and will be, the film I am most familiar with. Every line, every piece of background music, every time a sound effect should appear, "...I hear nothing, not even the sound of Newyork street, just the beat of own heart...". This is due to the fact that when I was in college, in order to learn English well, it was popular to listen to the soundtrack of the movie. I listened to this one, and I listened to it over and over again, "...and our cappuccino...", only to memorize it all.

Not to mention the heroine, literary, cute, and childlike, I mistakenly thought that boys like such girls, so I wasted a lot of youth.

The male protagonist is my ideal type for many years, slightly fat or stronger. Don't look too handsome, but must be tall. Be humorous, forgiving, competent, and have a big dog. In fact, the reality turned out to be the opposite.

The handkerchief has really disappeared. The world is changing too fast, and there are many things that have been eliminated before we can remember them.

The film captures New York so beautifully, the autumn in New York, the red leaves, all kinds of small shops, and the street where children play. Speaking of which, if it has always been like this, it will be really beautiful. The film is right. This kind of beauty has been destroyed by the modern super store of all kinds. If you think about it now, if you go to travel, except for the expensive tourist street that is reserved, everything else is the same. Wanda looks the same, chain restaurants look the same, the city is really boring.

There is also a point in the film, that is, the right person may not be in love with each other. At the beginning of the film, the male and female protagonists have their own girlfriends, which can be considered compatible. However, that's not the right person. In American culture, the cost of breaking up is very low. Of course the cost together is also very low. For example, Frank and the host just got a pair of eyes.

I went to the Godfather 123 after watching this movie, go to the mattresses.

At this moment, I devoured and stuffed my takeaway rice noodles, covered the quilt, prepared to sweat, and prayed that the cold would get better soon. The cats at home don't know where to sleep. It is estimated that one is in the closet and the other is on the windowsill. They don't care about me. The kitten is good, it will often think of me and come to stick to me. Big cats only come to court when they are hungry. Does that mean I should be starving them more?

Every little action of Hanks is so cute. I have always felt that people can be divided into two types, one who loves this kind of movie, and one who doesn't catch a cold at all. I have a nice hair boy, a doctor, and she doesn't like La la land. This is not to label a doctor, she would have this attitude even if she wasn't a doctor. And I'm probably one of those people who would fall in love with Gosling when he played the theme at the bar. People like me always have unrealistic illusions about reality, and I don't know if it will change when I am 60 years old. And this kind of person can't live with the same people, so I found a robot.

Sorry for wasting your time. Wish you have a good cold soon.

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You've Got Mail quotes

  • Joe Fox: So what's his handle?

    Kathleen Kelly: Uh...

    Joe Fox: I'm not going to write him. Is that what you're worried about? You think I'm going to e-mail him?

    Kathleen Kelly: [beat] All right, NY152.

    Joe Fox: N-Y-one-five-two. One hundred and fifty-two. He's a hundred and fifty-two years old. He's had one hundred and fifty-two moles removed, so now he's got one hundred fifty-two pock marks on his... on his face...

    Kathleen Kelly: The number of people who think he looks like Clark Gable.

    Joe Fox: One hundred and fifty-two people who think he looks like a Clark *Bar*.

    Kathleen Kelly: [laughing] Why did I even tell you about this?

    Joe Fox: A hundred and fifty-two stitches from his nose job. The number of his souvenir shot glasses that he's collected in his travels.

    Kathleen Kelly: No! The number... the numb... his address? No! No, he would never do anything that prosaic.

  • Kathleen Kelly: [on learning Joe's identity] God, I didn't... I didn't realize. I didn't... I didn't know...

    Joe Fox: Who you were with? "I didn't know who you were with."

    Kathleen Kelly: Excuse me?

    Joe Fox: It's from "The Godfather".


    Joe Fox: Sorry, it's from "The Godfather". It's when the... uh, when the movie producer realizes that Tom Hagen is an emissary of Vito Corleone. It's just before the horse's head ends up in the bed with all the bloody sheets, you know, wakes up and it's... AAHH! AAAHH! AAAHH! AAAHH!


    Joe Fox: Never mind.