glorious years

Missouri 2022-03-23 09:01:28

Does everyone have a memorable stage in their life? What are the glorious years that belong to us? There is such a time in your life when you go all out and your blood boils, which is the greatest gift from God to you. No matter whether you will continue on this road, no matter whether you will continue this glorious period, no matter what kind of person you will become in the future, what kind of future you will have, and what form it will end in. You will remember what Titan taught you: unity, hard work, tolerance, justice!

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Extended Reading

Remember the Titans quotes

  • Petey Jones: Hey, hey, Lastik man what happened to you?

    Louie Lastik: [holding back, in fake pain] Man I just gave your momma a piggy-back ride and she weighs twice as much as I do!

    Petey Jones: That ain't funny!

  • [after Petey makes a fumble]

    Coach Boone: Petey, how many feet are in a mile? How many feet are in a mile?

    Petey Jones: [mumbles]

    Coach Boone: 5,280 feet! You pick this ball up and run every one of 'em! You're killing me, Petey! You're killing me!