Underwater wonders

Webster 2022-03-22 09:01:35

Rare deep-sea sci-fi, scientificity is not left behind, pay tribute.

Aside from the actions of the SEALs, which were poorly designed, and the positive ending of "Love and Peace," everything was fine.

I personally hope that Cameron also designed another ending at that time - the male protagonist finally removed the nuclear bomb, was taken into the sea palace, watched the tsunami destroy the earth, was abandoned by the palace and died alone, and then the camera turned to close-up to the oil rig In the control room, a group of desperate people called the male protagonist and sent a signal to the outside. The camera slowly moved back from the close-up to the distant view, the sound gradually disappeared, the cabin was plunged into the huge darkness, and the film ended.

Cameron is a deep diving expert. He made his own submersible and went to the deep sea of ​​tens of thousands of meters by himself. Perhaps the barren places fascinated him. admire.

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The Abyss quotes

  • Virgil: Linds, I want you to stay away from that guy. I mean it.

    Alan "Hippy" Carnes: The guy is gone. Did you see his hands?

    Lindsey Brigman: What? He got the shakes?

    Virgil: Look, he's operating on his own. He's cut off from his chain of command. He's showing signs of pressure-induced psychosis, and he's got a nuclear weapon. So as a personal favor to me, will you try to put your tongue in neutral for a while?

    Alan "Hippy" Carnes: [nervous] I got to tell you, I give this whole thing a sphincter-factor of about nine point five.

  • Lindsey Brigman: So raise your hand if you think that was a Russian water-tentacle.