If you like to play "911 Operator", then you must not miss this new show

Carmel 2022-10-01 09:01:18

In February 2017, an independent game called "911 Operator" was released on Steam. In this game, the player does not play the role of a doctor, firefighter, or police detective who saves lives, but a man sitting in front of a computer. Operator, all you're dealing with is a map system and an emergency call ready to answer. Players need to deal with each alarm call according to their professional judgment and experience within a limited time. This novel game method and the diversity of cases have aroused unanimous praise from players.

Different from the intuitive understanding of most people, the 911 command center has developed to this day, and it is no longer just a platform for dispatching and assigning tasks to police officers on duty. It has actually become an indispensable stable element in American society. At present, the 911 command centers in many cities are no longer under the jurisdiction of the local police stations, but become part of the crisis management department of the government at the same level, and are the central system for the government to conduct comprehensive command and dispatch according to different emergencies. From bear children to harassing people, to terrorists massacres with guns, the management scope and dispatch authority of 911 almost spans the daily crisis panorama of the entire city. This is no longer something that a simple police system can do. (This paragraph is quoted from "<911 Operator>: What help do you need?"

In the game "911 Operator", players need to allocate resources at hand for each alarm call, and use patrol police cars, fire trucks and ambulances to respond to each incident. If the situation is serious, several departments need to cooperate with each other, but Players can only sit in front of the computer and devise strategies, but can't go to the front line in person, which is somewhat regrettable. Just a few days ago, an American drama called "Scream for Help" appeared on the TV screen, presenting all the events in the "911 Operator" game to the audience.

Different from the single perspective of video games, the perspective of TV series can be diversified. Therefore, although this "Emergency Call" describes the affairs of the 911 command center, it is developed through the perspective of three passers-by.

The first line is of course the most important link in this chain of alarm reception - the operator, a 42-year-old single woman, Abby, as the operator of the 911 emergency command center in Los Angeles, receives countless emergency calls every day, from accidental injuries to emergency calls. To vent her dissatisfaction, Abby has no time to spare, and it is not only the calls she receives at work that annoy her every day, but also the mother who suffers from Alzheimer's disease at home.

Because of her busy work, Abby has no time to take care of her mother, so she can only ask a nurse to help take care of her, but the nurse always behaves like a child. May be fired, only to change patient care", (it seems that in some respects, the difference between China and the United States is not big), which makes Abby have an extra concern while busy with work.

The second way is Patrol Athena. This middle-aged female police officer drives a police car to patrol the streets of Los Angeles every day, and accepts dispatch from the 911 command center at any time to deal with various emergencies. And the seemingly beautiful she actually has her own troubles, that is, her husband, who has lived with her for many years, publicly came out in front of their children, and the children's reactions also gave her a headache.

The third road is firefighter Barkley. As a newcomer to the fire brigade, this young and handsome young man exudes youthfulness throughout his body. Although he often encounters some hard work of climbing trees and walls, he loves his job very much and encounters emergencies. The situation always rushes first. But he also has his own woes, an unquenchable sex addiction that threatens even the job he loves.

The play revolves around these three main characters. It can be seen that although they are in different work departments, they are all in the same chain of the 911 emergency command center, and they are also dealing with various negative and painful situations. At the same time of emergencies, there are also difficulties and pains in life. In fact, it is not only the characters in the play, but for each of us, how to balance various problems and conflicts between work and personal life, and not let personal problems affect the work, is also a problem that we need to think about carefully. For this, Buck The following remarks from the captain of Leigh are worth our reference.

Although this drama has just aired an episode, in this episode, I have been able to fully see the linkage mechanism of the command center dispatcher - road patrol - fire and ambulance personnel, and I have also seen a few "wonderful" cases, but For friends who have played "911 Operator" or engaged in police work, this is a common thing. The first episode ended with a monologue from operator Abby, who said: "First responders must have a strong heart to face pain all day long without being disturbed by it, and to rise to it rather than to fail. Escape, we have chosen this profession, and we are willing to devote our lives to it.”

Thank you to these ordinary and great people.

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