The mountains ahead are high and the water is dangerous, but the scenery is infinite

Dion 2022-09-23 21:41:54

Ah ah ah, why are you talking about Blue Planet 2⃣️, why no one talks about Frozen Planet, have you seen it and thought it was ugly? Still haven't seen it?

I really like Frozen Planet, it really looks good!

The huge glaciers that have been frozen for thousands of years are melting. Others say that many times the natural landscape cannot be photographed as spectacular, and bbc is a picture that cannot be done. The scene of the glacier collapsing can be immersive. The heart suddenly followed the sloping ice cubes, and a good photographer can take terrifying pictures so that the viewers are amazed rather than frightened! After reading it, I will only feel the mighty power of nature, how insignificant human beings are in the entire universe~

I watched it intermittently for the first time, carefully watched it for the second time, and watched it intermittently for the third time. Completely impeccable and perfect, whether it's the shooting (don't say I don't know how to shoot, I have eyes and a sense of beauty), or the soundtrack, that joyous soundtrack~ it's immersive.

For example, when the male polar bear is looking for a mate, the dubbing of the old man is also brisk. The music changes from joyful to warm with the appearance of the female polar bear. The soundtrack when the two bears are in love makes you want to grow old with your little fresh meat. , until the appearance of the competitors, the dubbing of the old man began to fluctuate in speed and a bit fierce, and the soundtrack also began to show the atmosphere of fighting, which made your heart change accordingly.

I really want to use the paws of polar bear meat as pillows, they must be so soft. It is said that polar bears have extremely rough hair, don't look soft, I don't care, I still want to have a bear hug with polar bears ~

Chai Jing's conversation when interviewing one of the directors who filmed polar bears:

"Are you afraid?"

"Of course, you have to be very careful, I mean you have to be very careful, when photographing polar bears, they are at the top of the food chain, so they are very curious animals and fierce, in memory, they have no fear, Except for those who were rounded up."

The amazing thing is that in the film, the film crew filmed the polar bear's annual medical examination. The director got close contact with the polar bear and smelled its body, the fishy smell of sea water and seals. The taste, because they only eat seals, how amazing.

The carnivore at the top of the Arctic food chain is finally "at the mercy of others" as polar bears lie on the ice with a long-range shot of anesthesia.

"Stupid human, what are you going to do to me, Brother Bear?" ~ I

remember that a few years ago, I was selected by the trainers of the local zoo to perform with elephants on stage in Thailand. It was really embarrassing, although I refused at the time, but now When I think about it, I regret it. Why didn't I get in touch with the elephants, why did I resist this kind of behavior? Maybe the trainer saw that my real life was a little monkey~ hey~ I was young and ignorant.

At that time, I didn't know what the trainer said. The elephant picked me up with its trunk and wanted to throw it into the sky. I was scared to pee on the spot, and I held onto the elephant's trunk with my backhand. "Beauty and the Beast" was staged. The skin was so rough that it hurt so much that I felt like there were tiny thorns all over my body. At that time, I was "resentful".

And seeing that the film crew in the documentary can have such close contact with animals makes me very envious. If you don't understand, it doesn't mean that this is a bad thing. You should choose to believe, believe in people, and believe in animals.
The polar regions are the most unsuitable for survival, and human beings will always come up with ways to survive according to local conditions when they have to. This has been the case for thousands of years.

That's why it attracts curious recorders to photograph these unimaginable ways of life.

I remember when I went to Manchuria before, the locals said that Manzhouli is the place where Russians come to spend the winter every year. I remember that the night scene is very beautiful. The road is not wide, and there are Russian-style buildings on both sides. The night scene is so beautiful that we couldn’t help taking pictures on the road. , when we were having a good time on the road, there was always a little Russian brother behind him who was politely parking the car and waited for us to take pictures before hitting the accelerator and leaving without honking our horn. The little brother is so handsome, and when I think about it, I still think: "My God, how can you be so handsome"! Why didn't I knock on the car window to take a photo! (extremely aggrieved face).

Russia's goodwill is deeply imprinted in my heart at that time.

The Arctic is rich in coal, oil and minerals. In Russia's Arctic Siberia, a small town has been developed because of the minerals. Previous experience tells us that any city is shaped by the gift of nature, with river banks. Living together, but the treasures of nature tell us that in the face of wealth, no matter how difficult the living environment is, we can overcome it. And in that town there are three months of darkness every year, and three months of darkness! ! ! I'm just a black girl with a question mark face! We've never lived in such a place, so we can't appreciate the year-round cold plus three months of dark nights.

I saw in a documentary before that when a delivery truck in Tibetan areas walked over mountains and mountains in a plateau area with an altitude of several thousand meters, when the fuel tank froze, it would burn a torch to melt the gasoline and continue to move forward.

This is still the case in the mineral towns of Siberia. What seems like a crazy move is actually the result of adapting to nature.

Even in an area of ​​minus fifty degrees Celsius, people will still come up with entertainment methods to combat it, such as winter swimming, a seemingly life-threatening entertainment activity, but it can improve their own immune system, but this biting cold can improve physical fitness, we should Ordinary people won't do it, the fighting people are still fighting people. Seeing their struggling faces jumping into the water, I really don't believe that their hearts are as happy as music~Ahahahaha~ (purely they are black belly).
One of the female directors, who was five months pregnant at the time of filming, had to wear more than ten layers of professional antifreeze clothes in order to prevent frostbite at minus forty degrees.

She showed me her anti-freeze shoes like a voice-changing Hulk, very thick and big.

Maybe the three-in-one jackets we usually wear are very light and can withstand our activities in the plateau area of ​​minus ten degrees. But it will take a few months to shoot a group of ten minutes of film, the Arctic wind and snow weather, the world's top jackets will also make people feel cold, and it is a woman who is pregnant, it is a tribute!

She said: "When she was going to the toilet outside, she found a hungry female polar bear staring at her not far away, and she ran to the camp like crazy. If she hesitated at the time, she would not be Sitting here so relaxedly talking about what happened at that time.

What a miraculous experience and how indifferently it was told.

In the Arctic, if insects want to survive, they must adapt to the extremely cold climate, and when spring comes, they quickly chase the sun and keep eating, because the spring in the Arctic is fleeting, even if you are the first Small insects that wake up from hibernation, when you haven't reacted, the severe cold will come again, and you will be caught off guard. You are completely unprepared for winter food and begin to be covered by ice and snow.

Fortunately, your unique physique allows you to adapt to this ice and snow weather without dying, but if you want to transform from a small caterpillar into a small moth, you will have to go through untold hardships, repeated thirteen times of waking up, chasing the sun, eating It is reborn again and again in the repeated cycle, and it cannot become a flying butterfly, but just a small moth. You look at them and feel that their insects are too difficult to live in, and the harsh environment cannot fly or change. Just adapt.

In order to photograph this caterpillar turning into a moth, the bbc took three years, three years, three years for more than ten minutes! ! !

This is professional!
Since I watched the documentary about returning to the wolf pack, my view of wolves has changed a lot. Although the wolf totem makes me admire wolves, now I have a tendency to be obsessed with wolves.

The arctic wolf in the Arctic region looks too much like Erha, and like the big bad wolf in the wolf grandmother, it feels silly and cute.

The arctic wolf hunting filmed by the film crew did not make people feel bloody at all, but the soundtrack gave people a sense of naughty and naughty children, and it seemed that I was catching food for them~

However, it does not mean that wolves in other polar regions do so Stupid impression.

The wolves near the Canadian polar circle are more aggressive.

First of all, I will see a couple of wolves attacking the bison. I have to complain about the male wolf. Watching the bison is huge, he will just watch the show after fighting a few times, letting the female wolf and the bison fight.

It is said that the female wolf is the type that must win when she sees the target, because she wants to raise cubs, which made me suffer from "Stockholm Syndrome" at that moment. I really hope that the female wolf can win. The white hair on the top of the horns has turned into blood-stained red hair. It hurts so much. Whether it is in the animal world or the human world, the brilliance of motherhood really has its own luminous body from beginning to end. Fortunately, after a few hours of the battle, the buffalo couldn't carry it and surrendered. This buffalo was enough for the wolf family to eat for several days and last a month.

There is also a pair of wolves chasing the bison, that is the tightness of the heartbeat to the throat, watching the wolf find the trail of the bison, watching the wolf group follow the bison across a long distance, watching the group of wolves follow the bison Troops approach. In fact, when the buffaloes work together, the wolves have no way to eat the buffaloes. After all, they still have the advantage in size, but they have "pig-like teammates". The cunning wolf makes a random fake move and scatters the buffaloes around like birds of prey. Kai, sometimes I have to admire the wolf's combat strategy. It really is that he has his own set of wolf tactics in hunting and killing.
Each episode is close to 58 minutes to 60 minutes, and a dozen minutes will be reserved at the end to show people the tidbits of shooting this documentary.

I remember one episode most, which was shooting penguins. The film crew has been in the Antarctic penguin gathering place for more than half a year. From the beginning to the end, no one can only read to the machine in the ice and snow, just like "patients in mental hospitals." "Generally, I think if any person has been living in a vast area, the sense of emptiness and silence will make people nervous.
It is said that the killer whale group will use a highly intelligent method to hunt seals by creating different waves. Seeing the footage shot by the film crew, I really admire the wisdom of animals. Who said that humans are the smartest?

The group attacked it, created different waves, and took advantage of the group to surround the prey in the previous hunting ground.

Too many surprises and goosebumps.

There is also an impressive "Death Finger", which I always thought was Disney's Animal Kingdom. It turns out that this world really exists. There is really a strange natural phenomenon that can make creatures in a certain area of ​​the sea touch it in an instant. Immediate death, I saw speechless, stunned!

In the interview, scientists said that under the ice floes, when a stream of extremely cold salt water meets sea water, the flowing salt water will quickly condense the surrounding sea water, forming what resembles icicles or stalactites on the seafloor. This phenomenon It was discovered by people in the 1960s and 1960s. This is the first time that the record has been affected. I once again confessed to the BBC and paid tribute!

The bbc took more than five years to complete the shooting in the South and North Pole regions. It was launched in 2011. The host's grandfather flew to the South and North Pole to report at the age of 87 before 2011. Before that, when the old man went to the polar regions for the first time in the 1980s, the area of ​​glaciers was still very wide, but now, the area has doubled, and I really want to cry!

It is hard to imagine that if all the glaciers in the polar regions melt, the sea level of the earth will rise by 60 meters, what kind of concept would that be?

When I was in school, I heard that the Maldives would be submerged in a hundred years. I thought it was just talk. I don't know, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

It is also difficult for me to imagine working in the polar regions for 25 years. What kind of concept is that? Maybe I watch documentaries and think this profession is very interesting, but if it really makes me face these things besides glaciers or glaciers In other environments, will I go crazy? I admire these scientists very much. It turned out that when we were children, we said that we wanted to be a scientist when we grew up, and some people are really doing this sacred profession.

Even though these animals are cute, the joy is short-lived, the wait is long, no family, no entertainment, no matter how much passion there is, it will still go crazy, if the weather is bad, you can only stay in the tent, it's good to stay there For a few days, this kind of test of will is really not something ordinary people can do. This is a kind of professionalism, a kind of true love, because as long as you take the shots you dream of, those scenes that no one has ever seen before, you will see with your own eyes. It's a completely different experience from what you see on the video, and it's all worth it, so envious of the film crew.

In the last century, the sea level has been rising without interruption. When the documentary was filmed, it rose even faster. I think the speed at this moment should be beyond our imagination. Going through a blast of glaciers, rivers flooding villages...

Penguin eggs are hatched by male penguins, and papa penguins will huddle together in winter to keep warm until next spring, waiting for the food that mother penguins bring in the water all winter.

In 1911, telephone lines could be set up in the snow-covered underground, and scientists had to admire it.

No two snowflakes in the world are the same, can you believe it? It just opened the door to my new world.

Eighty percent of the fresh water on the earth is stored in the polar regions. How dare you damage the environment? What if it all melted?

Greenland, the ice layer is three thousand meters thick, completely crushing my imagination, how big the world is!

People living in polar regions can only hunt and kill creatures in the sea because they cannot grow food, and eat walrus completely raw, OMG!


There are many, many, many small details, I am really amazed!

After so many years, with the development of science and technology, human beings can travel from South America to Antarctica by boat. I don’t know if the changes will be exacerbated by the increase of human viewers year after year.

All the hardships are gratifying at the moment when the film is completed. It will always make people see the limit of human beings, and it will also make people explore the ignorance of human beings.

The BBC's Frozen Planet may be the last chance to appreciate the drastic change of the human planet.

The gorgeous dividing line is
beautifully shot, the copywriting is beautiful, I highly recommend it, the whole thing is beautiful,

you can watch it at station B, there are resources, and the subtitles are very naughty, you can see that

there is still a lot to do I said, but I don't know how to say it. I feel like it's

not perfect. I want to take a broadcast. Go watch it, it's really good~ There are

eight episodes in total:

1⃣️ The End of the World

2⃣️ Polar Spring

3⃣️ Polar Summer

4⃣️ Polar Autumn

5⃣️ Polar Region Winter

6⃣️ The Last Frontier

7⃣️ Walking on thin ice

8⃣️ Polar Science

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