Still the same recipe, still the familiar taste.

Lillian 2022-03-17 09:01:10

Looking at the title, it is easy to think that this is a movie about time. In fact, nature is the motif, right? Or the universe? Every time I call Mother affectionately, I will make a F*cker in my mind, because it is too rare to hear the word alone. I am one of those people, not worthy of this lost beauty.

Not enough 140 words, let me write more. Well, whales are very beautiful, all kinds of whales are, mammals are advanced, whales in particular, like machines, precise and shiny, no wonder there is a cartoon called "Big Beluga".

The primitive people in it don't have penis, just like the shadow man in Conan. So you say I am Conan? !

A group of primitive people should not be very large. How can we ensure genetic diversity and prevent genetic defects caused by similar genes? All I can think of is yin and luan. Until now, the Chaoyang masses will not let you go.

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Extended Reading

Voyage of Time: Life's Journey quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Narrator: Mother.

  • Narrator: [opening lines] Mother. You walked with me then. In the silence. Before there was a world. Before night or day. Alone in the stillness. Where nothing was.