A lot of beards, a lot of spring dreams

Marcus 2022-12-10 15:26:37

The film is about a sixty-five-year-old Czech teacher, an "old man". Hey, please don't turn over when you see the "Old Man Movie", this old man named "Webbert" is very handsome, with a white beard, a little bit of Sean Connery, a little bit. He taught Czech literature in secondary school and quit school under the moniker "Sponge Wringer" because the job was no longer fun for him. Yes, that's what he said. We are so much younger than him, I don't dare to throw away my job and smash it on the ground just because I have no fun.

Old Man Webert didn't plan to watch soap operas with his wife when he got home, much to the disappointment of his wife Elliott. Omg, he got a job delivering a courier. Don't think of it as a "local express" in our office building with big bags, sleepy eyes, and incomplete uniforms. The couriers in Prague are all riding mountain bikes, blue and black color matching high elastic tight-fitting full driver suits, with colorful clothes on their backs. The yellow plastic rucksack and the black helmet with two calf horns stand up, it's really too coquettish. Webert (sixty-five!!!) considers himself fully up to the job, "knowing Prague and making quick judgments!"

It was a job to be proud of, and compared to his old pals—the old pals who walked with their dogs, couldn't move a foot, and wore old woolen coats—Webbert looked like an Olympian. Of course, he didn't have a few days before he put on his plaster boots.

Webbert won't give in to fate, he found another job - collecting bottles at the bottle recycling department in the supermarket, there are bottle boxes everywhere, only a small window to the outside, but the fun is bigger, there are all kinds of women every day Come to say hello, Webbert's kindness and wit are very attractive, and the mysterious crush in low-waisted trousers - with deep nail marks on the waist, sometimes seven, sometimes eight, Webbert has fully imagined this, and has been Thinking of the night, my arms and thighs have spring dreams again and again.

Alas, we are so much younger than him, but I haven't had a dream of spring for a long time. Seeing Weber's fancy spring dreams, he couldn't help but exclaim: "It's good to have spring dreams!" Of course the old lady Ellie didn't think so, she shouted to the "Vixen" on the phone: "My husband is seriously ill and has a weak heart. , Prostate hyperplasia, if you have a conscience (don't seduce him)!" Haha, I almost died of laughter when I saw this. In fact, not only is Webert physically aging, he is also a little confused. He puts the electric kettle directly on the gas stove, and treats Wednesday as Thursday... To be honest, if he comes with that math teacher, I will sweat it for him. .

From this film, I started collecting Czech films, following this director named Jan Sverák, and searching all his works from the Internet. God, it turns out that when he was 26 years old, he made a film called "Green School Tree". I kept the VCD of this film for ten years, and searched for DVD to no avail. Director Yang is good at taking trivial and tattered daily life, especially those embarrassing and unspeakable, for us to simply, lively, and beautifully photographed. In other words, the window for recycling wine bottles is sometimes like a picture frame. Many details make the audience laugh out loud. After laughing, they will not forget the "cousin" who is penniless and other pensions, and the salary of Czech teachers is so low, it is best to conceal the identity of the target.

The director's father is called Zdenek Sverák, how did the director's father come out? That's right, the director's father is the screenwriter of this film and starred in Pretty Beard. The director came to direct it. This is a father-son file. The father and son have collaborated on "Green School Tree", "Kolia", "Fiber Optic Man" and so on. The Czech business card has always maintained a strong "Czech flavor", and has won the Oscar for the best foreign language film. However, there is a "Czech flavor", and the Oscar flavor and Hollywood flavor seem to be nothing.

A good film is called "Bottle Recycling" (that is, "Prague Etude" that was shown last week). A city is called "Prague" and a country is called "Czech Republic". We know too little about the Czech Republic, starring Zdenek Sverák, we always Not sure whether to pronounce "Znee" or "Denecker".

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